I’m still holding out to see what Vega brings, my R9 290 will get get me through for now.
I’m still holding out to see what Vega brings, my R9 290 will get get me through for now.
nope, that’s my character.
Oh... you asked for bad Fashion...
Last week I upgraded my PC, it went fine... tonight, I RMA’ed my motherboard... because it wouldn’t stop saying “USB Device Over Current Status Detected Shutting Down in 15 Seconds” no matter what I tried and inspected everything.
This event comes just in time for my 80 Orb Summon Off vs My Friend, I just need to earn 15 more Orbs... my friend on the other hand... has a little ways to go
This is my office keyboard, it’s the trimmed down version of my home keyboard.
As someone who knows people inside Telltale, they’ve already had to do some major rewriting of their engine...
I had a ground landing last night after a tower drive, I was aiming for the water... and missed. I was successful the next time, after my save loaded.
The YouTube employees, as in the ones that work for Google, that I know all believe that for most YouTubers joining A MCN (multi channel network, like Maker) is stupid.
Jim Sterling
It used to be a Toyota Parking Lot.
Sometimes, it’s stupid things. Like animating bows under the terrain with an auto-hide radius of 900km
I think they’re calling it “Year of the Rooster”
it’s Linus trying to look like Paul of Paul’s Hardware
I hate how these types of ads popup on my Facebook regularly, and they’re targeted... so they specifically state my school I went to, then I realized that they basically have a template site that has all the schools you could imagine.
I try to at least do that On the Payload/Objective...
It’s Unity, iOS and Android are equally easy to develop for, as a developer on an Android and iOS Unity game... it’s much quicker to push updates to the PlayStore, though... crap Android phones have been the only sources of crashes...
I’m not totally sure... if you can block someone from watching, but I know on the Live side of YT it’s possible to Ban someone from live chat, though... the shitkids sometimes spam with multiple accounts... and you gotta slam that ban hammer several times
https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScbZ-m3OJvm5ak6Gw-sjZVVoU53Zc7NmzChAEOIdf59YsIueA/viewform That is a form about unsubbing made by YouTube
If you’re really been unsubbed. This is a form YouTube has about this issue.