Cortana is pretty useless because, Bing. And Start Menu search is a little stupid, and Windows Explorer search is kinda dumb, like I can’t go up a directory from where I found the file I searched for, it goes back to the search results.
Cortana is pretty useless because, Bing. And Start Menu search is a little stupid, and Windows Explorer search is kinda dumb, like I can’t go up a directory from where I found the file I searched for, it goes back to the search results.
Those were uh... both made by the mobile division of Eidos/SquareEnix Montreal... I’m guessing, a bunch of former mobile game devs who I know from my time at Gameloft MTL went to Eidos/SquareEnix.
Don’t get artists started... artists seem to love dongs... WARNING Dong Tank, SERIOUSLY, Dong Tank.
As a 25 year Old Jr Artist, I made more than an Animation Director.
Dang, an entry level QA Tester at an underpaying bay area game company makes more than an Anime Cinematographer. And, a Compliance QA tester makes more than a Character Designer.
Of course the server and net code won’t be UE4.
They’re using UE4, there’s no mistaking those Blueprint node graphs.
Those are clearly not from Philly as that’s an In-N-Out package.
Puzzle game, it's a puzzle game with bullets.
I’ve honestly had minimal contact with Blizzard games, I think the most I’ve done has been a few hours of Diablo 2 when I friend kind of insisted, and that was 7 or 8 years ago.
Looks nice, but, lacks the Aesthetic Charm of Blizzard’s Art.
Rerez, one of my favorite gaming channels. I try to watch live streams whenever I’m able to... they get especially funny when LaserFrog also joins him on the stream.
Definitely the best Telltale Games game, I’ve ever played. And, I’m not saying that just because I have legitimate reasons to be Biased about Tales from the Borderlands. No, I don’t work for TTG. But, I’m married someone in the credits of every Tales from the Borderlands episode... at least for now... I had free…
The saddest thing is that it literally ended the guy’s career as a game developer.
All the perspective appears to be relative per object in the scene.
Let’s find the Positives.
There’s also 2 point (edge on), 3 point (bird’s eye and worms eye), even 4 and 5 point... though, at that point we’re talking like fisheye distortion kinda stuff where parallel lines start to curve... sorry, I had a 15 week course on the subject, and it’s been pretty well drilled in, though working in video games, I…
Nick is the dick without a dick, he’s like a Ken doll right?
In Quebec the main attitude was, for the most part. My 8 Hours are done, I’m outta here. The OT on Saturday isn’t paid? Not doing it. Though, late in production I put in enough time to get the task done, if that meant I had to stay until 11pm a few times on a Thursday I did it, well, being at the tail end of an Art…
It wasn’t good, because it was Pepsi. He writes, sipping his Diet Dr Pepper Cherry.