
Pretty sure the community isn’t over run with Black folks...trust me those crackas have pics and know who each and every Black resident is!...guard probably stationed at same shack every shift and knows who TI is...this was his opportunity to show his resentment and envy that Blacks reside there and he has to serve

Esp the way crackas in the injustice system maneuver...smfh

....if he’d said some dumb shit like that about the Holocaust his contracts would have been cancelled within the hour and he’d be selling ads out of his trunk!...smfh

The kid has good genes! Really pretty!

Shit...the brainwashing is starting! The joke was about freakin eye shadow but this administration has spun and lied so much people can’t distinguish a joke from an insult! Wtf....and even if it had been intended as an insult I would defend Sarah as she lies and defends Trump’s bs to the country every time she opens

Great article Micheal!!...can u get that spreadsheet over to Joy, Rachel and Lawrence at MSNBC? These bastards need to be exposed nationally!! Asap...Please!

...And the dumb fuck doesn’t know Bush started that free phone program! Only a matter of time before their house of cards tumbles! Deport their asses to Russia 😂

...his keyboard to MSNBC!

Ggotta get little spreadsheet to MSNBC asap! This is not surprising but enlightening as hell! Aww the roosters are coming home...


Who?...oh the other poster boy for the Opiod Crisis...I can’t think of the 1st fat, sweaty, screaming guys name...Damn it what’s his name???!!...the one who hates Obama more than he hates Mexicans... I know that didn’t narrow it down much 😂

This family has single handedly sucked every ounce of dignity the office of the President of the United States ever held!!Wtf??!! They are rich trailer trash!...and I’m really sorry to offend trailer park residents!! They are the sleaziest group of people I’ve ever seen in 1 family...are they inbred or what??! Dirty

Why does he look like he had a blood transfusion and they forgot to put blood in?! Damn... he’s that not human kind of ugly! 😂

Me too Mr.!!...a pure moment in humanity!

😂😂😂 a pic is worth a thousand words!!...my sentiments exactly Jose! 😂

So u just sort of negated and minimized an article on a fucked up institution that in many pervasive ways still exists because 1 person said fuck the South?...that’s what was important to u....that was ur take away...this ingrained soulless thought process is why the institution still exists on different levels...just

I’m left speechless...that speechless after mind bending sex...

Love me some Janelle...truly an original artist! Stay true sista!

Her desperate dumb ass knows she doesn’t have a chance in hell! Who’s backing her go fund me page lol...anything to try and stay relevant! She sucked every pink dick at FOX and still got fired...dumb ass bed wench!

Donny can’t run!