
And how many Meerenians saw that, like three? Was there even a reporter there? As far as the rest of the populace could see it was just another summary execution.

Seems Screamin’ Jay Hawkins would merit a mention as an influence too.

The real Colossus of Rhodes didn’t actually straddle the harbor entrance, and it wasn’t nearly that big — “only” 100' tall.

She was dead-set on giving the Harpy assassin a fair trial, so why not extend the same justice to Mossador? It might have at least dampened the negative reaction somewhat.

If I were Louie, I would have let her go right on thinking I’d jizzed in her kid’s face. And reminded her of it at every opportunity.

It’s not jointed, so it’s a yard, not a boom.

Fuck, man, spoilers much?!

I knew a girl who got very stabbed in the face with a broken bottle. Everyone thought the scarring (almost as bad as Thorunn’s) looked pretty cool, but there was no convincing her of that. It’s probably a little easier for dudes to own that type of shit.

Nautical nitpick:

the level-select menu presents them as a collection of VHS tapes. Pausing the game brings up vintage Betamax distortion.

Doesn’t Frank own the house? (He should also potentially have half of whatever was left after blowing up Sheila’s place, since they are improbably married in the eyes of the law.)

Except that the “motion” is the background scrolling, which is right-to-left.

I’ve seen it used to comic effect, minus the hand full of bloody shards. Guy smashes a bottle on the bar to make a weapon, entire bottle shatters, guy does a double-take.

Hard Target isn’t completely awful, but it’s hardly a martial arts movie. The only thing notable about it at the time was that people were still holding out hope that John Woo would return to pre-Hollywood form.

That’s a little like saying “I never liked sci-fi movies, not even 2001 or Sharknado.

Are these screenshots publicity stills or what? Shit looks way more blue and desaturated for me — Siggy’s dress and cloak are almost exactly the same color as the background, not popping out like in the first photo. Is this my provider’s crappy compression? Are other people seeing it all vibrant?

Thus the important whale lard industry of the 1800s.

It’s in keeping with Bullitt Geography. That chase is known for its teleportation.

You do realize the show is not meant to be in real time, right? This episode seems to take place around a month after the last one, if not longer.

I thought he said “brain cloud” and wondered why he would make a Joe Versus The Volcano reference just then.