Everything with Ivanka is deliberate. Don’t take an eye off her. Meanwhile I have these ppl liking her public page on Facebook. Fools!
Everything with Ivanka is deliberate. Don’t take an eye off her. Meanwhile I have these ppl liking her public page on Facebook. Fools!
Seen this fb post rally too. Also something by a Ben about 5 facts about refugees being, I guess, bad. I couldn’t click on it...no ad money from me. It amazes how it took one man to make ppl forget that journalism is a real professional job.
When will Judge Donnelly be drug through the media by Trump a la the Mexican American judge for Trump University? She is a woman after all. /sarcasm
Maybe more play do’h?
Hoard metal. - a tip I learned from reading about the Russia family who escaped the revolution.
This crap doesn’t just happen in North Dakota anymore. Washington DC this week. Where will it be tomorrow?
This could create permanent jobs. That would be good for border communities. But Trump doesn’t like federal workers......
And tunnels can go under them.
I think it depends if the friendship is going die anyways or if it’s still meaningful. Would you say happy birthday to her on facebook or don’t give a f? That can help, too.
I’m having throwbacks to the Clinton regime as a phrase...so maybe it’s just a word.
I noticed that right away too! Just going in the movie theatre my husband waits for me before we head that way. I understand why she wants to stay in NYC.
Yes. I was talking to another ND state legislator R. They want the Indians to pay because the Indians have brought it upon themselves. And Trump will stop this. I am not joking.
Ooohh...I thought you all were talking about driver licenses points - how many you would lose for a protester hit/kill.
I agree that the ambassador move is very petty and slows services to American citizens. However, these mega donors can financially weather leaving their posts, though. The one guy whose kids are mid school year could always put his kids in public school anytime of year in the U.S.
Ditto. Ann. Roseanne.
How would you describe Billy Bush?
I loved the house in Skyfall. And that’s why it’s number 1 for me.
In my limited movie viewing, Hacksaw Ridge is the one I recommend to most (of others that I have seen list and others have mentioned in this post is only 3/4ths of Zootopia and Suicide Squad).
I wonder about this too. So, doctors can choose not to do a breast augmentation via religious beliefs for a trans woman.
I really liked that article too. He has been disliked by peers for a long time.