
Again and again and again, we see what happens when those who support reproductive rights cede ideological ground to anti-choice forces: they lean into the most strident iterations of their reactionary bullshit and win, we “temper our message” for the great theoretically-persuadable middle and lose.

This is ridiculous. No one  who works in the Trump administration can claim to be feminist with any plausibility. The only women even included are doing stuff that Trump obviously views as women’s work like public relations or being secretary of education, and Elaine Chao who presumably has a cabinet job as part of

I’m going to have to argue that she never had any credibility... with anyone who matters.

Precisely. Those are hard-working, honest people who are doing their best.

Using feminism as a cloak for your defense is a bad look, and it’s unfortunately not limited to Kellyanne. There’s a few of the Right Wing that immediately flock to this, and a few on the left that cloak their shit behavior through this as well (lookin’ at you, Klobuchar).

That’s really what it’s about for most forced birthers. It’s not about protecting “babies” it’s about punishing women they consider whores. 

And it obvious to me that she doesn’t think its murder she thinks the loose women shouldn’t “get off” scott free. 

You can’t articulate an argument about that because an articulate argument doesn’t exist. Either you think its murder or not. 

I had this conversation with my idiot SIL. She told me babies were being aborted one day before they were due. I explained that was a lie & told her she could be against abortion all she wanted. She then said that there should be an exception for rape. I asked why, she could not articulate an answer. We went around a

I’ve never thought the “what about the death penalty?” retort was particularly effective. It’s ironic, sure, that a group that labels itself as “Pro-life” also tends to favor State-sanctioned murder of convicted criminals, and as ethically problematic as support for the death penalty is, I just don’t think it’s a

I am staunchly pro-choice. I believe that the only people that should be making any decisions at all about a pregnancy are the woman who is pregnant and her physician. However, if these forced birth zealots were consistent, they would not believe in any exceptions. How can you have the(misguided) belief that abortion

As horrific as these perspectives are, you have to appreciate the logical consistency/honesty of them. I mean, the Republican Party knows full well that these perspectives spoken too loudly will effectively announce the death of the movement, but it’s always nice when horrible people who misjudge the level of power

Any time the word “sin” appears I know that person is not worth listening to. We need to pry the church out of our government.

Political beliefs aside, how anyone can listen to Trump whine non stop like a total fucking baby, while simultaneously sounding like a complete idiot of the highest caliber, and walk away thinking “Man, he’s so strong and inspiring” is something that is utterly beyond comprehension.

Great. So he did a Brick Tamland?

This is literally the national-level equivalent of a middle school kid putting their friends on blast because “you said mean things about me.”

I know there are a thousand other reasons to be concerned about Trump being anywhere near—let alone occupying—the office of POTUS, but his absolutely flabbergasting emotional

I’m guessing all the commenters on this post

Because women who get themselves pregnant are simple dullards who can’t be held responsible for anything. We’ll just pity them and slap a scarlet “A” for “abortion” on them. Doctors are white men with framed degrees in their office, they understand what they did was wrong

I’m with you. I really hate the snide judgement that comes with the rape/incest exemptions. Even Rachel Maddow spews it on her show. “The GOP is against abortion even for rape!” As if it wasn’t rape then the need for an abortion isn’t that shocking? We say claim to not judge how a woman got pregnant, but that language

Misdeed is a sickening term to use. But I do agree that you can’t say it is murder in these cases but somehow not murder when it comes to rape or incest. It is the same with disposing of the extra embryos from IVF. How is *that* okay to Republicans but not when a woman feels she is not in a situation to want and/or