Having lived in Bowling Green at the time of the Massacre, I’d ask you not to make fun.
We lost good Corvettes that day.
Having lived in Bowling Green at the time of the Massacre, I’d ask you not to make fun.
We lost good Corvettes that day.
This guy’s one of THOSE people? Ugh. They need to be purged from society with fire, because they’re dangerous fanatics.
Who would have thought the Bowling Green Massacre was actually orchestrated by anti-vaxxers? Crazy.
Puberty is the Upside Down.
Of course it doesn't. These protesters are a joke.
If you agree with the protesters about Clinton’s rhetoric contributing to this massacre, can you tell me how? I don’t get it.
That’s the moment you stop making them money. They know there are dozens of equally “qualified” but slightly more subtle racists out there just waiting to step in.
The McCain Institute for International Leadership
“ I am John McCain’s daughter” Yes and if not for that fact you would likely be one of these things:
Does... does she not know that ASU is shorthand for “DeVry but with binge drinking?”
In a just world? She gets fired. Her daughter get kicked out of USC and loses her sponsors on IG.
“The military is too complicated. Our soldiers show go back to throwing rocks.”
D. Trump - Commander in Chief
I’m gonna go ahead and bookmark that article so when she gets blown out in 2020 and the president gets a second term I’ll have it handy to respond to the multitudes who wail, “Why do we keep losing?!”
He also has plenty of opportunity to go make a human baby with a willing partner! His chances at parenthood aren’t shattered just because one woman didn’t want to incubate for him.
If Ryan Magers wanted this child so badly, he should have offered to have the clump of potential baby cells transferred over to his OWN uterus so he could continue raising it all on his own (as we all know was going to be the case for “THE MOTHER” if she were to go forward with the pregnancy.) Ryan was going to be a…
Mother of six explains why ALL unwanted pregnancies are the fault of the man https://www.fempositive.com/mom-of-six-tired-of-men-shaming-women-for-abortions-explains-why-men-cause-100-of-unwanted-pregnancies/?fbclid=IwAR1p3yDo0ifxYjIxWe8WJr8k2ddhKoMctesiuS5HpKB5lNDQ4g98Ue0HF18
As a practical legal matter, who decided that this guy was an appropriate representative of the embryo’s estate? If there’s a real dispute between the parents, shouldn’t the embryo have a third-party guardian ad litem or something? Anyway fuck all these clowns.
“I’m here for the men who actually want to have their baby,”
Quickest way I can think of out of this for the mother and the clinic is to challenge standing, by telling this MRA garbage dump of a human that he’s not the father, someone else is?
Look, you’re never going to convince people like this that a fetus isn’t a fully developed person who can feed themselves and get a job in 2 months if only their mamma didn’t execute them.