
Something that continues to surprise me (and it really shouldn’t, but it does) is just how little information some people have on what abortifacient procedures are, how they work, and under which conditions different types of procedures are performed.

The easy—and dishonest—canard of “abortion kills a baby” is trotted

She wasn’t wrong about AIPAC, but fucking come on, you can’t just say Jews control America through money (“All about the Benjamins”) with no context in a tweet. It was just really, really, really stupid.

I 100% believe the victims. I always have. I change the station if one of his songs comes on the radio.

To the Jackson estate:

He is giving me real ‘Tom Cruise as the face of Scientology’ vibes with this stuff. Same with the Biebs. I’m wondering if they have some handlers influencing this sudden public display. 

If he want’s to be super religious, that’s fine for him, but fuck dude, maybe keep it a bit more to yourself. I can not stand when people try to shove their religion down my throat. I’ll keep my atheism to myself, and you can keep your religion to yours. He’s officially my least favorite Chris.

Chris Pratt, his animal abandonment, homophobia church, and his bullshit nice-guy persona that, mark my words, is hiding a monster, can all go choke to death on a bag of assorted donkey dicks.

Having full well known communicative disease spread because of your beliefs is a humanitarian hazard that should have those kids taken and those parents jailed for helping spread a known curable ailment. This is beyond just beliefs and choices and it literally effects other people for being in proximity with society.

I have a 2.5 year old and a 4 week old. I won’t allow my toddler to play with any unvaccinated kids (which won’t be so easy once she starts school) and because the baby is too young to be vaccinated, we made it clear no one can visit unless they’re up to date on all vaccinations, including the flu shot. That pissed

I don’t know...without the internet, how will I self-diagnose lupus every time I have a headache?!?!

Widespread Internet access has been one of the worst things for modern medicine and science in general. Right now I can go on Twitter and say that lavender oil can cure cancer because I’ve done research. One person sees it, retweets it and then all of a sudden people start taking lavender oil for cancer. It takes

The doctor who sat down with her FOR TWO HOURS is a freaking saint.

Martina Clements, 41, a Portland mom who didn’t vaccinate her two children until recently, said the anti-vaccine community uses fear to raise doubts about vaccine safety. But parents who support immunizations can be belittling.

A lot of people are bipolar and don’t stab people so forgive me if I’m not exactly empathic. My empathy for mental illness stops when that mental illness manifests itself in violent impulses. Do you feel empathy for Charles Manson? 

This is totally some bullshit language... Jez never should have quoted it.  Totally unnecessary for the story. 

Marvin Gaye impregnated a 15 yrold teen as well. Theres so many of these classic musicians that fucked teens and it's insane. 

Yeah, it’s extremely unfortunate that Julia Holcomb is now an anti-choice asshole and very ardently involved in Silence No More.

LifeSite is...not reliable. It is a Religious Right propaganda site. Holcomb’s account hits every square on the Religious Right Life-Is-A-Left-Wing-Conspiracy Bingo card, but she’s subtle about it, and if you didn’t grow up speaking the language, you might miss it. I have no doubt that she had a relationship with

so did Prince, he loved them young. Oh and Elvis Presley! Jeez kind of a fucked up game finding out how many “legends” were fucking perverts

Didn’t Ted Nugent do the same thing? What the fuck is wrong with them?