
I feel like she doesn’t get nearly enough scrutiny in all of this because people (wrongly) think she can’t be involved in criminal activity and is “just another victim” because she is a blonde, conventionally-attractive (?) and (wealthy?) white woman. She’s likely just as guilty as Jr. and her husband but no one ever

“Synergy on a government level”

Everyone thinks Eric’s the dumb one, but he might just be the smartest of the Ivana set! 

This sentence makes it especially real, because it is quoted in genuine Ivankaspeak:

The schadenfruede is so delicious I’m salivating!

Also the prestigious scientific website Journal Of You Must Be A Lesbian If You Won’t Go Out With Me.

All he has to do is say that he got enough money to build the wall, the wall is being built as we speak, Mexico is paying for it through the trade agreement, and it’s beautiful, and you should see it. This fuck can lie his way out of anything for his rubes.

Black admitting to driving the car while his friend, being called Larry W. right now, shot into Jazmine’s car thinking it was someone else. The gun was found at Black’s home. It’s not clear if they have the shooter, this Larry W., in custody yet from any report I’ve read. Just that they are questioning other people. 

They are invisible F-35 stealth slats.

Can’t beat a good ol’ fashioned “national emergency”.

The anti-Pelosi fight was, from the start, organized and messaged by the Blue-Dogs (who are basically just less-explicitly-racist Republicans). That’s why the progressives were the very first members to peel away and circle back to her.

I thought it was because Temujin was pissed that the Mings tried to make him pay for the wall.

I thought he looked like John Wayne.

Oddly enough, Temujin’s entire empire was built from rage over a perceived slight by Ong Khan, who told him he looked “spanish.”

So you think the difference now is that, for some reason, Democrats “found their spines” rather than that they now actually control the House?

Now now, Samantha— if you were a REAL Splinter writer, you would’ve finished off this piece with a complaint about how Pelosi and Schumer are nothing but Republicans in disguise, and how they didn’t push back at Nielsen’s lies forcefully enough. *lolz* I’m shocked; this piece ALMOST acknowledged the fact that there’s

Does this “gotcha” shit do anything to erode the President’s base of support or undermine his policies or inform people about their impact? No, it does not.

I do not care that the president is being unsurprisingly lazy but I do care that hundreds of thousands of federal employees are working for no money or sitting at home furloughed with no money coming in even though rent is due tomorrow. There are very real human impacts of the president’s obstinate refusal to run a

sooooo.. who is gonna venture what Celebrities will be at this Bad Ass Birthday?