
He is one of the a-holes behind the lawsuit that led to the overturning of the ACA.  I guess some children are more important than others.

Teachers and other school employees have family, loved ones, and dependents of their own. On top of that, they did not choose to pursue a career in law enforcement. As much as most of them care about their students, they shouldn’t be required to put themselves in danger- maybe even sacrifice their lives.

He's a hack, and this is clickbait.  

It depends on the jurisdiction.

Exactly. I was in an abusive relationship for years. I can assure you that calling the police or even yelling or screaming just puts the victim in more danger. It’s up there with trying to leave the relationship. Leaving is statistically more dangerous than staying, especially in the first few weeks after, and not

Where did you pull these percentages?  

Let me know when AOC accomplishes something real beyond getting elected and grandstanding.

And it’s sexist. Google Pelosi’s accomplishments. Oh wait, though! She’s old!

Islam isn't older than Christianity.

This is a terribly researched article. Educated white women- a significant faction being suburbanites- voted Democrat in the last election, which is consistent with their historical voting pattern. I realize that doesn’t fit the Jezebel narrative, however. Your company is in a great deal of hot water because of poorly

Maybe you should get acquainted with reality.  I sympathize with Mr. Everett, but the officer's actions were not illegal, and Mr. Everett exercised some seriously poor judgment.

Thank you. Dear Libby, Paul, Hamilton, reposting is not journalism. Also, tone the criticism of other (actual) news sources down when yours is in hot water for posting a poorly researched hit piece. (For the record, I hate that guy, but that article was garbage, and you know it.)

Write like a child, analyze like a child, get called out for it.  Don't even try to make this into a feminist issue.

I have seen a priest - maybe a monk -  say exactly this on film. I wish I could find the clip. He said that it was all very sad, but sometimes the pregnant woman and/or the baby die.  I thought my head would explode.

There is nothing unusual about this reaction. There are similar security practices in pretty much every courthouse everywhere- for good reason. Judes are targets. Also, a judge’s receptionist would be located in the judge’s office/front office, so the plan to deliver this to the judge’s receptionist instead of the

No, she’s right. I’ve seen it happen.  Before I tell the story, I want to make it clear that all accusations and concerns should be fully investigated.  I believe that women and people of color have been victimized for centuries and that those in power refuse to believe them or just don't care.  This- obviously- needs

On top of that, they have Turkish consulate employees the day off and claim that there are no security tapes.  They aren't even trying.  They don't think they have to.  

I have convinced myself that Trump is going to appoint Jared or Ivanka to replace her. That would explain that weird “hidden genius/they are such assets in the White  House” comment. It would also let Jared and Ivanka move back to NYC.

So, using this logic, it's entirely possible that Megyn was mistaken in thinking Roger Ailes sexually harassed her.  She might have been confused!  Or mistaken! It could have been someone who looked JUST LIKE Roger Ailes!  There's no corroborating evidence, after all.

I read somewhere yesterday that Miller wrote it.  I remember thinking that it would be horrible and scary.