
Dee is definitely the funniest character, if you ask me. Her fits of rage, her "GOD DAMN IT!", her mini-vomiting when she's nervous… she usually gets overlooked in favor of the guys, but I don't get why.

I kept hoping there was gonna be a payoff… eventually all these questions would be answered… and the reason they were on the island would be worth it. But nope. I stupidly didn't give up :P

It's probably Gail the Snail.

I hate that I know exactly what you mean with that reference. That show was the worst thing I've ever watched.

I would say that in that alternate universe, Dee is a total man crusher.

Best season since season 7, if you ask me! The last two seasons were especially weak, but even the two before that, as well. Season 8 was possibly the worst season of all.

Wow, season 12 is shaping up to be fantastic. I haven't enjoyed a season this much on first viewing since season 7. Still 7 episodes to go, but great start! The moms really got to shine in this one!

Or *shudder* U2…

To be fair, he doesn't consider anything a genre; he just went based on what people have "liked" on Facebook. Also accounts for "jazz" being so low, since most people who've just liked the "jazz" FB page rather than individual jazz artists they like are likely not very into jazz.

Actually it makes me extra sad because the guys who act in that show are generally good people who are pointing out shitty things and attitudes in a really funny way.

Whichever season it was where Rory and Lorelei were estranged and Rory was holed up in her grandparents' place was really bad. I hated that season so much because it made me hate Rory. I honestly remember hating that more than Luke's daughter.

For real… Dave was my favorite guy on the show. They gave Lane the best partner, and then when he had to leave… they stuck her with Zach?? That guy was always the worst, and Lane never had any chemistry with him. Plus Lane had so much potential has a character, but it all got filtered into her band and Zach. And

I know my opinion is far from rare, but I don't think I've watched a new episode of the Simpsons in at least 5 years, and haven't watched actively in 10 years. I tried watching the occasional episode in the period from 2003-2006, but they were just so bad/boring, I couldn't do it anymore. I'm really amazed the show is

I like how God said that there would soon be people from "all over the country". Which country is God from?