
Could we update the article with that information? So far it seems that the dude got fired because his wife is an insane racist.

Obviously I do. However, I am just pointing out that immediately jumping to the “that’s racist” conclusion is problematic. Nearly anything, if spun the right way (or I guess the wrong way), can be interpreted as something offensive. Language is frequently open to interpretation. 

No need to be rude. I am trying to have a civil conversation here. 

In my mind? Urban environments. If I grew up in a bad neighbourhood I could say I am “street-smart”. Is it at all possible that, without context, we are jumping to conclusions?

I know that racism is an issue within the game’s lore. For example, the Drow, Orc, Tiefling, etc. I am curious as to how they address those things considering that for characters like Drizzt racism is what made him what he is. People hate him because he is a Drow but he is working to combat those stereotypes that his

I was unaware that “street-smart” was a racist moniker. I always thought it meant that you understood life in an urban environment. 

What I do not completely understand, and I am asking for clarification, is that the term master and the adjective master have completely different meanings. When referring to someone as a master I can understand that being difficult to separate from its racist histories but referring to a record as a “master record”

I also kinda love the way it looks. I also wouldn’t be surprised if they come out with other colour schemes as well.

May I ask a question? This is just a question, not a criticism or meant as anything other than a question. I preface this because I ask that the people who reply please try and be respectful in their replies.

Dude was out jogging... How do we know he was casing places?

As a Canadian I can honestly say this is way outside the norm.

What I wouldn’t give for those QR codes.

They do know that the breath masks aren’t really going to offer enough protection to make a group of sweaty people immune to ever catching it right?

It is a love letter to Dragon Quest and is seriously wonderful.

Normally I would agree, however a paid subscription service is easily more accessible than buying new hardware whenever gaming takes another leap forward. I used to use the OnLive service way back when I was in college and couldn’t afford any gaming hardware.

Or it will just bring more attention to them. The public LOVES controversy 

You know what would be awesome? A tellatale game about VTM. 

What? Bringing attention to a musician by way of a hashtag didn’t stop people from listening to them? It only made people listen to them more? That’s insane!

Person who has SEVERE flight anxiety here. When the plain lands I want to GTFO. Im not getting up because I am impatient. I just went through a massive roller-coaster of emotions and I am VERY MUCH looking forward to getting off this metal monstrosity.

This just in...