Llama Del Rey

Democrat all the way, but they used to be totally politically disengaged. Then GWB won, so they voted for the first time for Kerry, adored Obama, and have now turned into super resistance fighters who would attend protests if their health permitted it. I’m actually super proud of their transformation!

This immediately made me think of that Master of None episode, which was utterly brilliant.

Yeah, it says something that my parents, who fled Soviet Russia, are getting increasingly terrified by the day...

Huh? Is the boat British? I didn’t pick that up at all from the article.

I feel like their style comes off as more ‘retro costume’ than...actually retro to me? Something about the bright colours and stiff-looking fabrics always put me off. And I should’ve been their prime sort of customer, being someone who wears a red lip and floral dress more days than not.

I always pack snacks and sandwiches!

I decided it was a reference to the excellent Arctic Monkeys tune Brianstorm!

Bobby, your goddamn writing is so goddamn DELICIOUS to read. Also, this place sounds like a nightmare to dust.

I agree it seems quite stunt-y and I’ve not enjoyed the fawning ‘OMG!!’ coverage of it all over today. But at the same time, I’m not mad at it. It’s a nice sculpture. It’s not changing the world, but more public art is never gonna be a bad thing?

Really appreciate your response :-) You’re completely right, and there’s a mass of cultural baggage that comes with having...a lot of baggage in the jeans. I’ve never been oppressed because of my flat butt, or told I look unprofessional. But yeah, I blame the patriarchy for making us all insecure.

I just realised the similarities in our usernames hahaha. I was like, is this someone trying to pose as me? Even though I’m a gray and unknown commenter?

Ah, the Congress. Teenage me enjoyed going to EDM shows there, despite nearly being crushed to death during Calvin Harris. Then a young girl got gang-raped in an alley after security chucked her out for being too drunk and they closed the place for being a horrendous fire hazard...

:-( Or women’s bodies just shouldn’t be treated as fads? I have a small, flat butt. (And large boobs and fairly protruding stomach). We all carry weight in different ways, let’s not beat each other up about it.

He’s a prat because he read classics at Cambridge? That’s sort of weird and uncalled for.

And he was really polite and gracious in his answer. No crazy actor ego.

The most ‘woke’ guy I ever knew also assaulted me. He used his ‘progressive’ ideals as an excuse to constantly bring up sex and ask inappropriate questions, and talk about the horrors of misogyny while trying to put his hand up your skirt.

Thank you for sharing this, Julianne. I’m 22 and throughout my short time on this earth so far, 3 close friends have been hospitalised for eating disorders. It’s stopped being shocking when someone confesses to me that they’ve been purging or haven’t eaten for a week. It’s like a silent and deadly war that I feel

Yeah, this sounds a lot like my friend. She also doesn’t understand the normal ups and downs of relationships (obviously not talking about abuse or any dark stuff here), so I learned right away that saying, ‘ugh, he didn’t take the trash out!’ read as ‘WE ARE BREAKING UP’ to her.

I know I’m late to the party, but I really hope you see this because I want to add a different perspective from what everyone else has been saying. I have a friend who cannot stand my partner’s guts. She’s never seen us fight, and I’ve never confided in her about our issues- because I don’t think she would be helpful-

I went from renting to owning last summer, and I didn’t find websites very helpful- I have to physically see and touch things. Big design showrooms are great; also, find inspiration everywhere! I chose my wall colours based on the decor in a chic pub I had a drink in. Once you’ve decided on one thing (paint, fabric,