Cabbage Patch Mather

Even Germany, the UK and France wouldn’t throw Spencer in jail. Germany recently had a White supremacist march in the city of Jena that proportionally was larger than anything we’ve seen here since here recently. No one was jailed.

Yup, around 150 million white (European) Latinos throughout Central and South America.

In any other profession, if you insulted your future boss, you would not get hired. Why should football be different?

In a normal year, I wouldn’t even think about Kasich- he’s bland and far too ideologically conservative for my tastes. DeVos is a shit.

Sigh.......................thank you for your response.

Kasich stayed in the race against Trump about as long as he could, didn’t attend the convention, refused to endorse Trump against Clinton, and put pressure on his own Republican senator to oppose every one of the Republican healthcare initiatives- all this as governor of a state that went for Trump.

Mattis has warned over and over that a war with North Korea would be “catastrophic.” Kelly said the other day that he thought the American people should be worried about North Korea. Tillerson appears hell bent on reaching a diplomatic solution, so much so that Trump has insulted him for it. And Pompeo is a smart guy

In a more normal world, I wouldn’t want Tillerson as head of any part of government. In this current reality, however, I believe Tillerson, Kelly, and Mattis (and probably Pomeo) are doing everything possible to ensure that we don’t go to war with North Korea. Meaning, I believe Corker is correct when he says that the

The haircut is deliberately fashioned after Hitler’s haircut. It was the Haircut of Hitler Youth.

Except that Weinstein himself has admitted that many of the sexual harassment instances happened. Aside from the rape claims, his pathological predatory behavior should be enough to ruin his career. It’s just a career- he can take up model railroading or watercolor landscapes.

As far as the sexual harassment claims, Weinstein himself has essentially admitted they’re true.

Wait.. This guy had raped her and she was still friends with him???

I think most people have heard the term “date rape,” by now.

Very misleading, since that $600,000 takes Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos into account. The median is more like $100,000.

Which begs the question- if you were able to eradicate poverty to the point where the poorest person in the US had a truly decent standard of living and the security that they would never fall into poverty, then would it really matter if there was a wealth gap?

That’s the best idea I’ve seen yet, and it would work.

I agree in theory. Trump is such a demented shit that we could get rid of every editorial page and opinion piece on every news site and blog in the country and simply post videos of Trump being himself, and the result would essentially be the same. His popularity would still hover at record lows around the country,

Yeah, but using our human abilities to reason is also part of nature, and thousands of years of civilization have taught us that acting on racist thinking is destructive and generally causes harm to society.


“There is nothing in the OP’s comment that swings back around to say: And while having/feeling prejudice is a normal thing we all do, acting on those prejudices is wrong.”