
Yes of course and thank you! I want everyone to know about this giant octopus thing. I think it's a game-changer.

Yes I am the author of Twilights 1,2,5 and part of 8 but only the good parts, which include the part where Eddard eats a poison blood and dies of botulism-rabies (a new disease, it is the hip illness for the teen demographic these days) and also the part where Bella through an elaborate series of time travel

Now playing

Fun fact. Historically the line in this famous song by the Police has been misinterpreted as "I'll be watching you". In fact the original lyric was "Owl be watching you". The song was originally intended as a love letter to Owls everywhere but over the course of time it's true meaning was lost.

OH MY GOD HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I guess I do see a lot of hidden dick hahaha

On NPR there was a woman awhile back talking about a Vacation she and her Cuban husband went on. A boating trip. And her Aunt and Uncle were making raft jokes to his face.

I once worked for the most awful human alive. She offered to buy our Puerto Rican clients lunch and throws out a couple of suggestions. She stops after the second one and asks "Oh, do you eat sandwiches?". Blank look. Because I hate her I look at him and ask "Are you allergic to sandwiches?" and he laughs and says "Oh