Swimsuit season is just around the corner, so you better prepare your bikini line to look its boxiest before the summer.
I love the dressing up idea!!
Oh, you're right! Oops! Thanks. :) Pretty in Pink played at one of my local theaters last month for a Flashback Thursdays movie series, and - though I'd bought tickets a MONTH in advance - I was so sick and had to miss it. I STILL have the sadz!
You must, you must! Pretty in Pink is the BEST. James Spader is sublime - although his character, Blane, as RealBrightEyes said, is the worst, and really exemplifies '80s WASP douchebaggery. Everyone is really fantastic in that film, however, though my true love is for Annie Potts as record shop owner Iona, who is…
This is hilarious and awesome. Tangentially related, for you fellow history buffs (or Baconites!) here is the Kevin Bacon/Kyra Sedgwick episode of Finding Your Roots hosted by the fabulous Henry Louis "Skip" Gates, Jr., on PBS. Very interesting!
As a viewer, however, hookups would be more interesting than fights.
Those speak of a deranged mind.
Yay! LOVE this show. Here's my paean to (and an ensuing lovefest in celebration of) Trophy Wife on another Jezebel post. :)
Well, I just beamed through that whole thing. :-D
Agreed. :) Also, love your screen name, so I just had to say . . .
So moving, but I am having a hard time not looking at the stone cold fox that is Mr. Chiwetel Ejiofor (who looks to be welling up, too). MY GOD, he really should be the next Bond!
Kerry Washington is exquisite! SO stunning in that vintage glamour look. Just WOW. Her dress is really lovely, too.
I can never see this picture of poor little Darwin and not think of porn star James Deen posing as him.
YUP! Like what Law Professor Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, said on Real Time with Bill Maher (Feb. 21):
Jolie, you're THE BEST. I love the Clean Person posts!!! Seriously, thank you. But for all those who are too tired, rushed, or sore, and or who just couldn't give a fuck, I thought, why hasn't somebody, say Doc Brown, invented an automatic bed maker? Lo and behold, the OHEA Automatico Smart Bed!