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    Swoon! Also, Laura, "Taste the rainbow, motherfuckers" is one of the best things I have ever read on the internet. Brava, BRAVA.

    I think the Wendy Davis supporters are wielding coat hangers because coat hangers and symbols of them are used by some pro-choice protestors to draw attention to the fact that, without access to safe, legal abortions, women will resort to coat hanger (and other unsafe abortion methods) as women have in the past.

    Sorry, I could not help myself.

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    It's like Dutch tulip mania all over again! (Well, not exactly.) When, oh when, will we ever learn?



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    Agreed! Relevant to the issue of white people listening to rap which uses the n-word, and what the proper protocol is, see the 1:17 mark (though the whole clip is only a couple of minutes long and is relevant, too).

    We find that women don’t pay a higher price than men for coverage of their appearance. Unflattering coverage does hurt, but it lowers voters’ assessments of both men and women equally.

    Question: So what should I do if my white friend uses the n-word?

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    Sorry for double posting this, since I posted it in response to another comment, but I couldn't help myself. :-)

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    Yeah! In honor of the beauteous, stately Allison Janney/C.J. Cregg . . .

    Me too! I just posted this in my own comment, before I saw yours. :-)