I'm not sure! Poor social skills, not understanding how serious what she said was, etc. She definitely had an IEP so there was something going on with her.
I'm not sure! Poor social skills, not understanding how serious what she said was, etc. She definitely had an IEP so there was something going on with her.
My ex-boyfriend constantly invented family members. I have my theories about why he did this, but it was kind of crazy and I felt stupid for not catching on to his increasing cousin-count. To this day I have no idea which ones existed and which ones didn't.
It really depends on the school itself, and particularly the head's attitude. I worked long-term supply in a school where they didn't care about piercings or tattoos and lots of support staff even had multi-colored hair. The school I eventually got hired at allowed some piercings and small tattoos (like cute flowers…
There was a girl who, when she started school in year 4, told the whole class her parents had died. She had an entire day of sympathy until they picked her up from the playground that afternoon.
I hear you on the conservative field thing - I was once asked at a teaching interview if I would be willing to take out my cartilage piercing (they were strict about only lobe piercings). They probably would have just asked me to leave without even interviewing if I had a visible tattoo.
The only Brooklyns I've ever known have been very very troubled. Definitely the children in class always on the red "stop sign" part of the behavior chart! This does not bode well for the teachers of America.
That sounds like an awesome deal :) I just spent like $7 on four cans (wtf is wrong with me) 30 cans for $20 is practically free.
My cat is so so picky too. She also only likes the most expensive stuff and it has to be exactly the right texture and flavor. GAH. I tried to feed her Meow Mix once, along with her fancy foods, and she ate like two bites. Why so snobby!
Yes. The fancy pants grain-free canned stuff! I feel like I'm just slowly inching towards more and more expensive canned food, because my cat just doesn't eat much food to begin with so I feel justified in "spoiling" her. I got made fun of at a very dog-centric pet store yesterday for reading all the labels on the…
Ugh yes. This is Pinterest exactly - I can never get into that site. The amount of chevron/boots/folk-chic crap someone is into can usually tell you if you're dealing with a liberal coconut oil enthusiast or a very conservative coconut oil enthusiast.
Don't bother arguing with this person. I remember them when they had a different user name, but the same bizarro personal attacks and strange obsession with Islam.
My goal is to have a wedding small enough where strangers wouldn't even think crashing was a possibility.
I know you should "never read the comments" but I decided to see what people were replying under an Indianapolis news station's post about this. They can be summed up into two categories: people expressing relief/gratitude that someone "finally" has stood up for America and people calling anyone who disagrees with…
It's true. Sometimes I try to clean up my crazy-ex stories to make them funny, but I can only tell them to people who don't know about the police orders, stalking and violent behaviors!
I am so not into this band, but in the world of new boy bands my rankings go 1. The Wanted 2. One Direction - not that I actually like any of them! ;)
These are unusually cruel ads, even for the beauty industry! They definitely make me want to shave/wax, but they don't really make me want to use Veet. They come across as mean, at best. I think they've found the line of how overt you can be about making people feel bad about themselves to sell products, and crossed…
The one thing the guy I knew couldn't get rid of was putting a mysterious "k" sound at the end of ing-ending words. I even picked it up! Gah. My only difficulty with Essex accents was in understanding people, but after a few months I had no trouble.
My favorite part of teaching in Essex was doing "th" adjective words for Thursday (I taught kindergarten) and getting only "fun" "friendly" "fancy" as answers. I honestly love the Essex accent, but as an outsider I think I have a different POV. I think there is genuine cruelty in the way that other English people talk…
I believe it. Essex gets a lot of undeserved hate, which is mostly just classist and mean.