
They’re someone who grew up with easy access to money, and didn’t have to work hard for that money. Therefore, the relationship between how hard it is to actually make money and how to spend it was never learned. Someone who does not come from wealth but has earned a lot of money knows how to stretch a penny, knows

The endless thankless miles of dark, miserable coal-face work between “idea” and “actual thing” is also the reason most small businesses fail, most novels are never finished, and most risottos burn.

All while trying to maintain a razor thin modicum of popularity by a carefully curated social media presence that only the most vapid of people would care about.

Looks like they finally found Libertarian Island after a three-hour tour.

I wouldn’t want to be stuck in an airport with a bunch of pissed off lifestyle bloggers, that’s for damn sure.

Linda is a model’s model and an icon but her career was relatively and sadly short-lived.

What Kendall is doing is surprisingly savage.

but it is in line with what chimamanda ngoche adizie got flack for: they can’t really know male privilege having lived such a tormented early existence

This is why I have issues with the “Transwomen are women” arguement, in terms of how it tries to deny that there is any difference between a woman born and socialized female and someone born male, socialized male, who transitions as an adult. It’s like saying that there is no difference between someone who was born

The white man part is one thing. A top-flight, celebrated, well-rewarded and sought after athlete? Takes it to supernova levels of privilege.

I think it’s worth noting that most transwomen spend a whole lot of time of their formative years being socialized as men. I’ve read from several transmen about how being socialized as a woman effected their transition, and I’d be interested in seeing how that socialization effects transwomen as well. Caitlyn being

Caitlyn is a fascinating look into what white male privilege looks like on a woman. White women have their own sense of privilege but this Caitlyn mess is a whole different beast. She’s got like, super-duper privilege and watching her open her gob and consistently embarrass herself is one of my last remaining

I am not one to give rich folk the benefit of the doubt.

Welcome to Venture Capital 101: talk out of your ass using really sexy, beautifully designed marketing materials and passing the buck to someone else while you take the money and the press.

These guys who seek “mail order brides” do so for a reason and it has nothing to do with love or altruism. There’s no shortage of women in their countries who are their equals in age, beauty, intelligence. They want someone out of their league who they can control. So let’s not pretend these femme fatales are taking

Eastern European mail-order brides—and let’s not kid ourselves, that’s what Melania is for all intents and purposes—generally are very good at keeping up appearances and staying in loveless marriages to get what they want. I had a boss who got one and genuinely thought she loved him...until he discovered, after she’d

On the one hand, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. On the other hand, it would be a more compelling narrative if it was a poor single mom, rather than just a rich lady. Like how they made all that stuff up in Pursuit of Happyness to make Will Smith more sympathetic than his real-life counterpart.

Being a woman and also a boss is not enough, if you’re just as exploitative and terrible as any other boss.

Agreed. She had a real talent for picking out clothes, and although some of her origin story strikes me as bullshit, I do think she grew a business from basically nothing based on that talent. But she treated employees like garbage and handed the company to a series of subsequent chief executives without her talent,

Painting my own nails is like me building my own room addition. I suppose I could, but it would take forever and be a shit job that looks like hell. Professional all the way.