
I have this sitting in my house.

Now we know what Pam did before she moved to Stardew Valley.

What I don’t understand about this and the whole painted-on swimsuit thing is why they bother with the straps and such. Let’s be honest -- these are glorified pasties and a fashion merkin. The rest serves no structural purpose and it certainly doesn’t make it any less revealing.

I won’t get my Oscar nod with all the bad press so might as well bow out.”

Oprah is absolutely the definition of self-made. 

If you count tweets about the article (since they chose to make her the cover model) the Forbes twitter account tweeted about Kylie Jenner 10 times. They tweeted about Kim K and several other women on the list, but only once and often didn’t mention their names. They also retweeted Kylie Jenner tweeting that she’s in

Not only was she born into wealth, she was born to someone who was an incredibly successful businesswoman, with parents and siblings with a shit ton of connections to the business, fashion, and beauty world. Literally everything she needed in order to make her business a success, she had. What would be incredible

All she did - literally all she did - was sign a licensing royalty contract with Colourpop for a tube of lip gloss, after getting surgery to enhance her lips, and imply the kits were responsible. That’s it!She signed her name to the makeup they already produced. That’s the extent of her involvement.

Another white supremacist, Richard Spencer, was blocked from entering Europe earlier this week.”

Yeah, I mean the way the administration used human trafficking as bullshit justification for this was idiotic, but now that they have created this mess, they can’t just give the kids back without at least some proof, which is problematic a) because to the extent the parents came with documents proving their

but days ahead of the deadline, the administration still has no clear strategy or plan for reunification of nearly 3,000 children that they snatched away.”

How about, anyone who *isn’t* reunited on time automatically gets a green card?

the resistance chant needs to be:
“citation please

wait, scratch that, those oafs can’t read:
*fuckn prove it*

It’s hard because they don’t trust parents not to take kids that aren’t theirs, because human trafficking. And it’s generally good to be cautious about human trafficking. This is why everyone was losing their shit when they took the babies away in the first place: without a system for reuniting them established when

FOR FUCK’S SAKE THEY SHOULD ALL BE IN JAIL FOR KIDNAPPING! There should be ‘child kidnapped’ alerts all over the country, so these kids can be reunited with their families. Children have been kidnapped and shipped all over the country en masse and people are waiting for court orders and memos to do something?!! How

Just won lawsuit filed by the DNC and a bunch of Democrat crazies trying to claim the Trump Campaign (and others), colluded with Russia.

From the NBC News article on asking for more time for reunification:

I feel like Lea DeLaria (who plays Big Boo on Orange is the New Black) would be perfect for the role, if we go by physical appearance alone.

Life comes at you fast, Mr. Bloom.

Start giving trans actors roles that aren’t as trans people, and then we can talk about cis actors getting gigs telling our stories. If you limit trans actors to trans roles, you don’t get to complain about your “artistic freedom” or whatever self-serving tripe you’ve invented to justify it. You’ll get fully-justified