Did they include a tiny little hanger with the glitter?
Did they include a tiny little hanger with the glitter?
Penn State's students continue to embarass themselves, Deadspin posts articles to that effect often. All universities have student bodies that raise huge amounts of money for charities, found charities, solve the world's problems, etc. That's not an achievement, that's what the youth of the world is expected to do…
You "sook out" older men? Ok. I'm betting the near decade age difference really is necessary for your men to match your level of sophistication.
When I was 17, I dated a 25 year-old, and I can now, looking back, confirm that it was indeed creepy, and not at all normal. *gavel*
I think we feel uncomfortable about the word "woman" because we're taught that our attractiveness withers and dies after the age of 22 when, like an apple falling from the tree, we sit on the grass withering and rotting until winter comes and destroys us completely.
I'm not sure I have enough for all of them....
"The proposed GOP abortion ban would outlaw all abortions that occur beyond the 20 week mark unless the pregnancy was caused by a rape".
I like your ideas, and I want to add that the following is still true:
Really? Maybe not in NYC but out in the conservative middle of the country they have plenty of laws such as forcing a woman to have a transvaginal ultrasound before getting an abortion, if in fact, she can get an abortion because the Republicans have used their political power to shut down an abortion clinic.
I understand your dilemma I really do but I, as a young hispanic woman, do not need to explain to you, a privileged white woman, what to do "better". It's not the job of the oppresed to change the mind of the oppressor. I'm not saying you are an active oppressor but it really is not my job to tell you how to be a…
the implication is that these spoken words of support should not be construed/assumed as a self-aggrandizement when they've not been thought-of, or even couched as such.
It's not always about you.
As a white person, I was wondering why the author didn't answer those questions, but then I realized that it's not their job to tell me how to be a decent human being. After all, it's not "positive behaviors" us good white people want to be congratulated for; we expect to be patted on the back for treating black…
Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone. That's not only for issues of racism, it's also just a general rule. You shouldn't need positive reinforcement for being a decent person. Just be one.
Your doing the Lord's work, Sister Crosley. Well done.
That is a good start but what I would love is for her to shadow me when I'm answering hospital calls for people who are suspected to have been sexually assaulted. Listen as I discuss with them their options. Should they do a kit? Should they report the kit anonymously? What about preventative meds? Plan B? Sit with me…
Jesus Christ on a cracker.
Leigh Alexander wasn't talking about you. Hell, she wasn't talking about me (the cis-gendered heteroish white male in our current back and forth).
She was talking about the cesspool of self-obsessed child rapists that have come to dominate "gamer culture" - basement dwelling Hot Pocket…