
Not bad? They come out to nearly $40 a pound for the steak (plus $50 for delivery!), and you still have to prepare them yourself. Your town probably has a top end butcher who can hook you up for less than that if you really want high end stuff.

I can understand the urge to make your proposal as splashy as possible. Still, it should be about what she loves, not what you love.

and i would walk 500 miles and i would walk 500 more, just to be the man who walked 4,349 to fall down at your door gasping "please marry me, i am so desperate for attention"

Believe victims, guys. Even if we don't like who they are as people, or they're "tryhards" or their art is dumb. Believe them.

One Thanksgiving, my teeth were just starting to come in. I was miserable and crying. My material grandmother, a lovely and tiny woman from Ireland, decided the best thing for me was to rub whiskey on my gums. Unfortunately, she didn't realize my paternal grandfather, an ex-Navy Italian from Queens, was doing the same

I said in the Gawker thread I wouldn't watch but I couldn't help myself. Now I wish I had stuck to my original intent. That press conference by McCulloch was one of the most condescending, maddening things I've seen/heard in a long time. I knew an indictment wasn't coming, but this DA is infuriating and unqualified

I can't handle this. Currently screaming into my pillow.

"Mike Brown deserved to be murdered in cold blood. Black eyewitnesses and media outlets can't be trusted, but white cops and the system that protects them deserve ALL your trust."- Bob McCulloch

(I might be paraphrasing)

A proclivity for anger

Picture yourself:

Not being able to admit when you are wrong.

This is going to sound incredibly random but people who salt their food without tasting it first. To me, it signals that nothing is ever up to their standards and they are unwilling to even give it a chance.

I couldn't date a woman who isn't a feminist.

Step back, y'all. I got this.

"When I get married, my wife will be a virgin," while lying in the afterglow of a perfectly good boning.

I just broke up with a woman because she wasn't a strong enough feminist for me. Great big fights about gender determinism and patriarchical culture, and I just couldn't see myself sticking with her. I just kept wondering if I was misreading her, since she worked for ACLU and Planned Parenthood (I should have made

I am an Asian. He's out the minute he talks about how much he loves Asian women or if I find out his last girlfriend was Asian. Those Asian-fetish dudes are gross.

In college, this really, really nice guy asked me out. Cute, too. He arrived to pick me up and was really charming to my roommates. I was so happy! We walked out to his car to head out for dinner and I saw he had vanity plates that read: "IM MIKE." Boom: crush over. I think it was his lack of creativity that killed

I found out that his mother drove an hour in from the suburbs once a week to clean his bathtub for him.

People who don't know how to react helpfully to problems. I once called a bf while in the middle of trying to deal with some headaches moving out of my apartment. All he could do was crack jokes. No offer of help, no offer to maybe cook dinner, no understanding at all of how to be constructive. Same guy once went to

"Grad school? Why would you ever want to go to grad school. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I don't know why you even want your Bachelor's degree, you'll just stay at home with the kids."