Liz Lyons

I don’t know much about comics, but these are sweet. Some of my favorite hip hop albums too.

Interesting stuff. I wish they would flesh this out in the movies though.

I may not fully grasp the science, but the pictures look cool. And that’s what I care about, haha!

So many superheroes, so little time! I need a month off to catch up!

Haha, Chris Hemsworth’s character looks funny. I’m sure he’ll steal the show and everyone will be furious. I just want to see a funny movie.

I want to see more dark side stuff. Was really sad when we only saw a glimpse of the knights of ren... :(

I don’t read comic books much so I love these breakdowns! Helps me catch things in the movies when I see them.

I think this happened in a few movies. It never ends well.

Haha! I’m totally with you! I don’t care for either team this year.

Magnets! How do they work?

Good stuff to be aware of. I gave up drinking, but I know a few friends who would be interested in this. Passing it along!

Really cool! Seems kind of manual as well. That’s alright though!

This article is basically me. I’ll have to try out the smaller exciting plateaus like you mention.

Best of both worlds! I’m all about consolidating apps!

Haven’t been too impressed with android photo management. Thanks for the list and I’ll give some of these a go!

Seems like everyday there is a new thing to be worried about. Guess I’ll scratch this off the grocery list!

Never really thought about it this way. I might need to put more effort into being genuine I suppose.

I’ve been looking at the housing market lately. Time to start being an adult with finances... :(

I’m digging that Cyberpunk Star Wars look. I’d watch the heck out of that movie.

Please be real! Please be real! Please be real!