
What a piece of work.

I think we’re all forgetting that what they really mean is “we stand against [finding that] sexual assault [occurred on our campus, because then it really messes with our crime/Title IX stats].”

Yep, the parents. I’m a Canadian med student so some of us are following this story reasonably closely. It does sound like the kid had a bit of a fluctuating course. The most diffivult thing for me was when the father testified regarding what he assumed a doctor would have done, had they gone to a hospital. Although

And the poor child was sick for TWO AND A HALF WEEKS! How do you look at your child’s worsening condition and not have that gut instinct to save your child?

I just... I’m sorry but if my kid is obviously ill and what I’m doing isn’t working with zero signs of improvement I’d take him to the doctor. Hell I’d take him to whomever could save their life because my beliefs would be meaningless to me esp if it resulted in the death of my child.

Also, this is my daughter’s regularly requested Rey hair.

LaComtesse #truefacts

it does. they may have peaked early.

Ben & Matt made a good movie. It holds up.

I am so glad I am too old to know what the fuck is going on anymore.

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”

I, or rather my house, was on a HGTV show (not this one however). On the one hand, the premise was total bullshit. On the other hand, they kicked in cash beyond our budget, handled absolutely everything with the contractor (who was more expensive than we otherwise would have afforded), and got an entire downstairs

It’s a sadistic way of reinforcing the myth that women- and indeed infants with no chance at life- should prove the sanctity of life through unimaginable suffering.

I would be willing to bet good money that at least 95% of the people who voted for that law have never actually been in a NICU or seen a baby with anencephaly poked and prodded for days before being taken off a respirator and finally be given peace.

the idea that you would even suggest to a mother carrying a terminal baby that she should carry it to term, deliver, and take lessons on drugging it up until it finally dies is just...i’m speechless.



You should be loyal because it is your flesh and blood. When you have a child with special needs it’s not enough to be their parent, you have to be their champion, like it or not. And, incredibly, sometimes even regular kids don’t turn out perfect. When you sign up to be a parent you take the good with the bad because

If the mediocrity of his post Scorsese work weren’t enough reason for me to shun DeNiro’s work, this sure is. As someone with autism, I take anti-vaxxers as an insult to me personally. I am no chemical freak, no abnormality. I’m one representation of neuro diversity, and just like LGB or trans people,autistic people

As a mom of a child with autism I find it mind-boggling that parents of non neurotypical kids jump on the anti-vax wagon. Because the message of the whole movement is: “It’s better to risk the life of your child than to wind up with one with autism”. It’s so unbelievably disloyal to your children. My son is perfect