
I don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible right now. You’d need to hook it up to some kind of power source (probably solar), and unlike a traditional headstone it would need to be maintained every few years, especially with our current solar cell technology, and I’m sure it would be against the regulations of whatever

This is the kind of thing you just have to laugh off. Actually getting mad just makes you come off as a jealous nut-job.

Hitler was composed of ~60% water

Started to make pickled eggs, but found I could only fit 6 eggs in the jar. So now I’ve got another half dozen hard boiled eggs to do something with. I’m thinking of making tea eggs, but I can’t decide what tea to use. French Vanilla, Orange Spice, Pumpkin Spice, or Sweet and Spicy (all black/herbal mixes).

No such thing as being too picky when it comes to stuff like this. If you don’t find a group of people attractive, then they’re not attractive. No need to question it or feel like there’s something wrong.

I know what that’s like. I finished my degree and my minor (technically I failed my degree and changed it to a minor with a “muti-disciplinary” major, but that’s not the point), so I have only a single class this quarter for my second minor. And I still can barely bring myself to do any school work. I’ve been in

When my neighbor was 4, he was a pyromaniac, always burning things. He also enjoyed headbutting people. He head was crotch high.

I hope, after 50 years, somebody is still capable of taking responsibility.

Statutes of limitations aren’t just based on how heinous the crime was, but how difficult it gets to prove as time goes on. I’d expect it would be super difficult to prove what happened to this girl after 50 years. Nobody working at the hospital or adoption agency would still be working, and most wouldn’t be in any

I picked it up from the same bundle, with the same opinion. Everything is just so tiny, the text, the buttons, the sprites, it was almost unplayable.

It makes a lot more sense in context, and I’m not sure I like how Jia split the article up like she did.

He means institutional poverty isn’t solely an issue of governments not spending enough money. As in you can’t take a poor neighborhood, throw some money at it, and make the people there not poor anymore.

Was Brooks suggesting that? It looked to me like the settlement was only mentioned as definite proof that he had lead poisoning related problems, which was used as evidence (along with his heroin addicted mother and lack of education) that his prospects for a better life where pretty poor, despite being what Brooks

It seemed to me like a mark against the kind of life he lived. His neighborhood sucked so much it had lead in the paint, and his mom was a heroin addict, and his school sucked so he couldn’t read.

The media is pretty tolerant, but the society isn’t. It’s kind of like anime in general. If everything you know about Japan comes from watching One Piece and Naruto, you’d think the place is a fucking heaven for otaku. Then you actually take the time to learn about their culture, and you figure out they’re not treated

Part of getting college credit for my gig as a research assistant was attending a lecture on submitting papers to journals by the head of our chemistry department. Turns out the process is arbitrary as fuck. “You should get X’s name on your paper to improve it” is actually a pretty common remark, whether or not X had

Fictional characters like Miss Piggy have done more to shape my views and opinions than any real live human ever did.

Award’s only 4 years old, but no, Miss. Piggy is the first fictional character to receive it.

I was actually looking forward to this. Shadowrun was released with a full set of modding tools provided by the developers, the idea being that people would be making epic scenarios for us to play beyond just the ones the devs released. Unfortunately, that never really panned out, and there still isn’t much in the way

Most things in life are pointless. Especially the best ones. Frats serve the same purpose as other social clubs on campus. They’re fun, you make friends, and after school ends, you get some nice networking opportunities.