

I believe she insists on General.

*cough*time zones go north-south*cough*

I really enjoyed the Cantina and Mos Eisley character backstories, and would enjoy more short stories in the Star Wars universe. But I would like it more if they were beyond ANH.

Almost always?? Hardly. I do not want strangers appointing themselves my chaperone in public.

Agree SO much. I am a woman who does not walk through life in fear. I recognize that risks exist and traumatic events do happen, but I refuse to carry baggage about that reality and ruin a perfectly good time.

Is it at least treason by Manafort?

What happens to ANY of their apoointments?

you say that like it’s a bad thing.

The other girlfriends were fine. Not all real life women are all that dimesional!

You did not need to be a boy, but teens or early 20s and at least on the periphery of a drug scene sure helped. As a woman, I did not find any of the women in the movie to be “invisible”.

If only one could apply their local taxes to a favorite genre book series!

“Chemical imbalance” is usually shorthand for depression or anxiety.Do you require poeple with those conditions to be able to explain them fully in terms of physiological actions of dopamine, serotonin, etc? You don’t accept that people with addiction may also have other medical issues that require management by

But when you DO know what will happen, you should have the choice to act on it. Risks are to be managed the way one sees fit.

The ghost bs is FUN.

Well that escalated quickly.

Peanut oil is amazing too.

I’m pretty sure that doesn’t mean what you think it means. It’s not a real period, and some women bleed a bit even when pregnant.