Lizabethie: of the New World

Ya, I hadn’t commented in a while and I did a few days ago. I guess I’ll just never find and reply to those messages people sent in response to my comments.

Was thinking the same re: getting professional help. I would say that for anyone who NEEDS social media specifically in order to engage with the world and feel good about themselves.

Anybody know of a similar group of blogs with a decent commenting system?  I’ve been looking around, but no dice so far.

Have definitely seen drop-off in comments in the past few months. By the time I get to catch up on Jez during my late lunch and evening breaks from work, there’d be 30-100+ comments on any article. Now there are many (most?) articles with single-digit or nil comments. And hell trying to keep up with rapid-fire

I’d be interested to see how that plays out. The writing here isn’t something I’d seek out normally - 70% the reason I come is to comment on stuff and read other peoples’ comments

I admit to reading zombie Deadspin, but I’ve noticed I spend way less time there because there’s no commenting. It’s a double-edged sword, but you’d think they would err on the side of revenue and just put up with trolls.

Kinja has never been great but at least it was serviceable. Now it’s a near- complete dumpster fire. Having a lively comments section is a big part of this site. How can anyone help but think if they’re willing to let that wither away, the whole site is winding down?

Sites are moving away from comments IMO because commenters use it as a platform to call out the author for any number of reasons. Accountability is going by the wayside.

Unrelated but they’ve made kinja even more of a mess (still think the aim is to slowly move towards no comments entirely).

How is this janky? This fix is less likely to break than the original design.

Could be worse. I was the guy that caught a ski tip dismounting from the ski lift.  You don’t want to be the guy stuck in the snow face down while everyone is trying to get off the chair lift on top of you.

That’s the shopping mall version of skiers stopping in the chairlifts drop zone while they decide which way to go

Or like the morons who see their off ramp as they’re about to pass it, slam on the brakes and cross 4 lanes to take it anyway because of course they just can’t take the next exit and go back.

Well if your pretty sure they are unarmed morons. That’s the problem in the US. It’s a crap shoot ( no pun intended ) on whether physical violence will result in some sort of escalation. 

Aren’t we allowed to punch those morons in the back of the head?

I’ve been watching Mythic Quest and there was an episode last night that involved a bunch of time skips but it started in 1992 and I was like, that’s not that long ago, and then I realized it was almost 30 years ago and died of old age.

I just watched Jennifer’s Body with my 14 year-old daughter & she said it was “very 2000s.” If you’re wondering what exactly the fuck that means, get in line.

Yeah, damn that Kimmel for growing up. Get him!!!

score woke points

from Iceland here. and I’m working what can be called a warehouse job. how this is implemented is usually employer discretion with employ input. usually vote when implementing started. in my case I get around 2-3 hours I can use to leave early every Friday. in my case replacement for what I do is not always easy so I