
All good now, must have been right when the servers were updating. Weird.

Well, I wish Apple would do something. All the headsets that have come with my iDevices have been complete shit.

WTF? I read this article, jumped on my iPad and went to updates, sure enough Facebook was on there. I taped on FREE and instead of installing the new version it took me to it's not in Updates anymore....

Just imagine it next year when both ATT and Verizon are beating down the door with expired 2 year contracts. I bet they slam 1.5mil easy.

Interestingly enough, you just described Win8. I have win8 running on much older hardware with only 512MB of memory. They're running on par with XP. Along with Office 2010, SAP and various other pieces of software.

Joel McHale is going to eat that up for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

"and represents the new war front our military has to fight"

That's funny, here in SoCal USA I've watched them build bridges over my head without EVER closing the road below. As well as upgrade them.

Or.......get the hell over yourself and realize that none of this matters. It's a friggen texting system. Who cares!? People reply when they reply.

Anyone who thinks the 4S should have (could have) been more clearly hasn't been paying attention. Both the 3GS and now 4S are SMALL upgrades. Every OTHER year is big.

People are trying to count. 3, 4....5. they aren't realizing there was never an iPhone2. They just see two 3's and now two 4's.....5 is next in their head.

Where's the iOS line? The graph doesn't fail, the entire article FAILS! The phone has changed a crap load since day one.

So they'll have attendance for every kid that rides the bus.......what about everyone else?

Only if you think all Discovery HD films are rendered??? ;p

Well that's a pointless comment. Of course we wont know how it performs until we get it in our hands. All reviews are pure BS. Everyone's individual review is going to be different.

So....if you snapped a pick of balloons in the air it would look different? Mountains? It's not like these are setup in a studio somewhere.

I don't see why not. There are already apps out there that snap pics to memory then dump to disk later... Just imagine the same app on the 4S....yikes!

That would be great if Websense didn't utterly suck balls! Horrible solution and company!!!

Well, that's an issue all in itself. It's never been a good idea to upgrade. Do a clean install if you want the newer OS. But yeah, unless the software you are trying to use specifically will not work on the older version then.....why update?

So if the product is under warrant then they'll fix it? If they can't fix it then they'll replace it with a like model?