
"What are you talking about? Library's don't use content filters in 99% of instances."

"At what point did I suggest anyone played football on top of the flag? Please stick to the topic."

No. 98% of all consumer PCs currently in use. That includes machines bought a second ago.

So if someone uses a lost puppy or money to bring in kids but those few kids run away then.....they never work? Logic fail.

"Are you saying detecting points in a certain configuration is not the same as detecting shapes?'

At the time I bought an 800 series. I loved that remote. But the volume down stopped working and the cradle no longer charged worth a damn and with money tight I bought an AR Xsight on Woot for $30. What a PIECE OF SHIT!!!! Put that crap on ebay then bought the Harmony One. The upgrade procedure was awesome!

I've been using Win8 since M3.

Hum, I always assumed those services where simply not starting in the first place. Good to know.

The initial boot speed video is total BS. Most computers take 2-3 times longer just to POST!!!

I know what you're talking about and you are wrong, it was not detecting the "key". Do you even know how the iDevice screens work? You can start here:

Why would anyone think that video was slow motion? There was nothing slow about and it was filled with distortion. The whole thing looked like a bad filter.

Bruising, swelling and increased blood flow can't possibly have anything to do with increased size. Nah, no way! Take a measurement in a week and they should still be 1 inch larger.

All that from slapping? No wonder hookers are huge and beautiful!!! Oh, wait.....

The last I checked my iPad didn't know what shape of an item I put on the screen. The difference is, a surface computer has a much higher resolution of input.

"arrested for abusing a corpse" - so much for the right to confront your accuser!

I hope the driver of that truck got a ticket for parking on the wrong side of the road!

I'd rather carry 1.5 pounds of MRE's and have that be everything food related. Boom.

If no Halloween is the biggest issue amongst our worries then.....good. We're ahead of the game.

Good, now all those damn hippies can get the hell off our backs and start bitching at this volcano for causing all our earthly problems.

You don't see how someone could lure children with cartoons?