
That was one of the ones that got bundled with another episode and was played as “a movie” on basic cable all the damn time. 

You misunderstand what I mean about race. No one doubts that the differences, in appearance, language, and technology between the Spanish and the Aztecs were immediately apparent to both parties. I did not say that people only recognize differences in physical appearance and skin color because some racist white guys

How did you forget the Roger Rabbit-like cartoon wheels that save him?

That was an episode of the original Amazing Stories series.

Calm down, you’re being hysterical.

Shit it is you. I am sorry babe! I promise I am working..

You sound like my wife.. Hannah, is that you?

The language “all women of child-bearing age” isn’t problematic. You’re choosing to make it problematic so that you can have something to raise hell about in regards to the big bad CDC. While I do understand that the phrase could be a little more up-to-date with the current lingo, it’s really not a sign of...whatever

That was Eric Roberts, he has over 350 different screen-names on Splinter that he created last year. Amazing guy, that Eric Roberts.

Only when I’ve been drinking heavily and can’t walk that well.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but haven’t your friends in higher education told you that the phrases are “old wives’ tale” and “taken aback”?

No, I get it. On the one hand, people should be entitled to spend their money however they want, and it’s not like they didn’t work for their money. But it’s hard to stomach.

Because we live in an area with one of the biggest homeless populations in the country, with children sleeping on the streets and little to no social safety net to speak of, income inequality is driving the lower middle class and the working class and the poor further out into areas where there’s even less social

Imagine a world, where content creators are paid by the word....

Cue scene with high cheekbones Korean woman leaving home and home is in flames...


Quickest way to make my mom stop doing anything is tell her it reminds me of grandma!

You need to use fish sauce in the recipe or it will never taste like you want it to.

Does anyone know their history in Star Wars though? I mean, in TFA Rey thought Luke might be a myth. Han doubted the powers of the Jedi and he was alive during the Clone Wars. We don’t see any press in the Star Wars universe, very little indications of education...