Live Long And Pot Stir

Please quote her correctly!!! She called Michelle Obama “a ape in heels”. Because these troglodytes do not know grammar. Don’t correct her grammar. You are not her editor! Let her ignorance show in all its prismatic colors.

Sharon Jones too.

“They can only discriminate when it helps them discriminate.” Thanks for cutting right to the heart of the matter. Brilliant.

You still should because she denies being a Trump supporter.

Roseanne Barr says she is not a Trump supporter.

Damn it 2016! (Points franticly at Ted Nugent.)

They called Trump the second coming of Jesus Christ. They also called him a King who will rule America and you can bet they see that as his role.

“Newborn King” is not the same as New King. Also, he’s not even newborn. He was born thousands of years ago.

“The Times reports that the plane had underwent maintenance in the fall and was helmed by an experienced pilot.”

You need to lay off the coffee and stop acting like an asshole.

It’s a shame he pissed off those cheerleader girls by not paying them.

She’s awful. I don’t get the fan-dom.

Please stop giving this single worn out shoe from the 70's media attention. No one would know the first thing about him if Jezebel hadn’t started bring him a national audience. You guys are as responsible for the modern day version of Scott Baio as John McCain is for Sarah Palin. Please just stop.

They didn’t prove he didn’t do anything wrong. This is the good ol’ boys network that got him off the hook.

“Enter Storefront.”

“Enter Storefront.”

That is terrible. I am so sorry to hear. How devastating. Fuck 2016. Seriously. It’s been terrible. One of my friends lost her granddaughter in a car wreck today. Everything is awful.

I agree completely. We not only need diversity and we need native trees. I live in North Carolina. Here oak trees are native. Gingko trees and crepe myrtle trees are not. An oak tree supports 500 different creatures. Gingko and crepe myrtle trees support 50 or less.

About a month ago, I rescued a feral female cat. I let her out of the crate too soon and she disappeared in my house. I didn’t see her for over a WEEK! I looked everywhere — in the box springs of my bed, in the top of the closet, behind everything I could think of — and I could not find her anywhere. I saw no sight of

She doesn’t address Tilda Swinton or Doctor Strange in either on of those pieces. It just says she invented the hashtag.