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Ok has anyone ever watched the show Slings and Arrows? Because they totally used that term way back in the early 2000s.

Was she though? I was born in 1988 and there were DEFINITELY goths who were wearing JNCO when I was in middle school and even freshman year of high school... Or I guess behind style wise which may be true. They were definitely following the trend of a different era...

I dunno. I think the suitcases is weird and flashy but honestly, knowing his sense of humor, he probably thought it was a way to fuck with his friends and also be nice to them. I don’t know if he was showing off so much as making a joke.

Where did you read this? Because I’ve heard the opposite, that people with antisocial personality disorder have a muted pain response and under arousal. There is a working theory that it is due to this below average ability to feel pain that makes them more prone to risk taking, difficulty empathizing with the pain of

You do have to wonder with stuff like this. At some point maybe people just want someone to blame and some people just feel easier to blame than others. *sigh*


“She never said no.”

It would’ve definitely been more adult. McConaughey looked older and was significantly older than Winslet. So instead of this young foolish teenage love it would’ve felt a lot more like some hot and bothered adult romance novel. ::shrugs:: Leo was cute but McConaughey would’ve been better to look at for me personally.

Agreed. I think people either turn a blind eye and pretend like it’s just accusations and wish for the best or they tell people to just ignore it rather than make waves for the sake of their careers. Just look at the story Terry Crews recently published. Lots of people said they were sorry and told him it sucked but

Agreed. I think you can both be cynical and acknowledge that it may well be some sort of marketing ploy AND appreciate the good it will likely do. For something like this, which is honestly hurting no one except maybe some of Bieber’s racist fans, it’s ok to be very “ends justifies the means” about it. It does matter


Yeah, especially since one of them developed an eating disorder and I’m pretty sure they’ve talked about anxiety in front of the camera. Like... why dig up all of that old trauma when they’ve clearly been working for a long time to move away from it. People move on from friendships, jobs, partners, all sorts of things.

I mean.... You’re right. But 40 is still 20 whole years older than 20 and so there is an objective degree of aging and maturity that happens between 40 and 20. While the overall perspective of looking back 20 years and feeling that person 20 years ago is young compared to your older self, it doesn’t negate the fact

Yeah I agree.... 20 is really young to be reproducing. I’m 29 and I feel that way. Ahaha. I mean if you think it’s the right time for you I guess go ahead? QUESTION MARK??? Just. Maturity wise. It feels kind of young.

Your example is very strange. What do you think is the average rate of survival for people who are diagnosed with cancer? Are you under the impression that most cancer patients die within a few months?

The book was GREAT. I haven’t watched the movie because I felt like I’d be disappointed by the film. I honestly feel like Lawrence could’ve maybe pulled off Serena. Perhaps if she’d had a better director? But in other ways maybe she was just too young. Imagine a younger Cate Blanchett. Or Charlize Theron. Now THAT

Right yeah that makes sense. I prefer Parks and Rec though. I found the characters in the Office kind of annoying and selfish. Ahaha.

I mean....can Parks and Rec rip off The Office when they’re both created by the same person?? At that point isn’t it just Greg Daniels’s personal style?

EXACTLY. I’m actually really uncomfortable with this.

Yeah. Ahaha. This is why you should fact check yourself.