
Plus if they’ve been going through this bullshit for 5 years they’ve probably begun to rely a lot more on each other to get through things and less on their parents. And at this point they were probably just ready to make some kind of decision for themselves and not be bullied by yet another adult.

Well one has to think there’s gotta be more going on right? I feel like if it was just some stupid feud and dad was generally fine when the kids were around him then they wouldn’t be like, “No I’d rather go to JAIL than spend even a couple hours with him.” Like seriously. Jail is a pretty scary thing in a mind of a

“Your father has never been charged with anything. Your father’s never been convicted of anything. Your father doesn’t have a personal protection order against him. Your father is well-liked and loved by the community, his co-workers, his family (and) his colleagues.”

I did think this was an interesting justification

“A lot of us know exactly what it means to be white in America. Do you white people really need a documentary about you in order to understand other people’s pain?”

The thing is, babies haven't LEARNED that things change yet. So it's not really that she doesn't like her dad's face sans beard. She probably LEGIT thinks her father has disappeared from existence and has been replaced by this beardless stranger. Like one moment there was her father and the next this completely new

"Reports say there was also a man living in the house—his role in the situation is unknown and he has not been charged with anything."

Sure we don't know all the facts...but what...? Unless he himself was also some sort of handicapped or held against his will, how could he not also be implicit in these crimes?

There was one time I overslept for a test because I was completely fucked up the night before. Showed up for the test. Took about half of it. And then forced myself to take a power nap because I was still a little drunk. I honestly do not remember how I did on that test but they still gave me a diploma so I guess it

How dare Amal selfishly continue with her career now that she's engaged to that big time movie star. His family will surely never understand.

Did he really say that? Because in the interviews I've seen of him addressing that scene he's talked about how uncomfortable it was to do while Emilia Clarke was weeping and then tried to lighten the mood by pointing out that IRL he prefers having sex with beautiful women when they're not crying. Or something like

I can't believe he didn't think it was crazy how Elsa was able to just run up to the top of that mountain within one song.

Right? Like not a single soul questioned why a Filipino was the product of Woopie Goldberg and Victor Garber of all people. I watched this when I was 9 and I definitely didn't question it other than to be sort of excited the Prince was Asian like me.

I'm confused by all of this because I remember TLC being all about female sexual expression back when they were Rihanna's age. And generally speaking Rihanna's about as covered up as anyone else if you go by inches of her body that's covered in things. But the interesting thing about the outfit is its color, which

I never actually saw Sparkle (I guess it didn't really interest me?) so I couldn't really speak on her acting level. But Belle was basically amazing, or at least Gugu was A+ in it, so it'd be great if she could also sing. Maybe I'll check Sparkle out though. I always liked Whitney's acting.

Right like can you imagine Darren Criss as a beast? In any way? Boy can sing but come on. Even with prosthetics a beast he is not.

Anne Hathaway would be so awesome as Belle. I am not ashamed. I think she's great. There's also Jordan Sparks. I don't know if she can act? Also Evan Rachel Wood. She's a great singer and I like her acting. Plus if Disney is going for the darker grittier feel she's got a nice intensity for it. Or maybe if Disney is

It was a well worded and insightful apology. What's important about it is that it recognizes the truth and meaning of WHY his words were harmful and hurtful. The reason why so many people still hate Alec Baldwin and more so Chris Brown is that they have failed to issue an apology that actually recognizes why people

Clearly the explanation for both these photos is that the women of tech have massive bladders and never need to make a bowel movement ever. Unlike their male counterparts. I would know. I heard that from a friend who works at Google. So maybe just back off already. God.

I get the feeling the kids might have told someone or anyone and everyone just ignored them. Like oh shut up. Leave us to our silo of skeletons and be quiet like a good little thing.