
Hannibal shout out! Heeeyyy!!!!

Proof that once you become an adult you forget how articulate children can actually be. And insightful as well. They did one where teens and the elderly reacted to the 2012 presidential reaction and in one question they asked both sides what issues they thought the other cared about most. Teens said medicare for the

OMG the boy band nostalgia whenever people mention Beiber or Swift.

I'm confused by the Excalibur clip. Helen Mirren wasn't in any of it....

Except that conspicuous consumption is the past time of America and people in several different kinds of socioeconomic statuses can admit to buying items way out of their pay range simply to splurge. Except in Vergara's case it's not out of her pay range. At all. In fact it's well within it and if you're going to give

Ok, read the source article some and while I don't think tampons are anti-feminist, there is an issue in the media of not really talking about menstruating. You don't really hear anyone talk about their periods really, even on shows where teenage issues are the main subject matter. The same issue with condoms too

“would be more likely to use products where you really have to look at and interact with your fluid as opposed to clogging your body with a tampon and just tossing it into the toilet.”

Yeah the Zimmerman tweet confused me. If Martin had been white then I really DON'T think his supporters would be supporting him. Isn't Zimmerman of Hispanic descent? Yes, you can be Caucasian and Hispanic. Look at Louis CK. If Martin had been a white teenage boy I'm pretty sure those same supporters would be calling

I can't even.

Spoken like a true Nice Guy.

Ahahaha that is because partying is the universal language of the college aged.

That ass.



Everyone is going to feel like a real dick when it turns out all the those wigs are to hide a horrible case of alopecia.

Dunno if people actually recheck entire threads but thanks so much for all the suggestions guys! It was all super informative.

HUH. That is an interesting point. She sometimes complains that it'll hurt but we always assumed it was because she was such a small person and her last couple of partners had been pretty big. But she never had this problem with her last serious boyfriend but when they were having sex they didn't use a condom since

"...he is not 'against the gays,' but against 'the act itself.'"

I have never used them before, but thanks for the suggestion.

Ahaha I started telling her that her vagina had teeth because randomly she'd call me all angry yelling, "another condom broke! WTH?"

Ahaha yeah I've never used lube before. Only once because I always wondered what the fuss was about and found it super uncomfortable. Even the water based ones. I've never really had a problem with enough lubrication so I've never needed it.

Internal condoms? Like a female condom? Also thanks for the advice.