
Asians don't bleach their skin to be more Caucasian. They do it to be more pale. This is true in India, in China, and in Southeast Asian countries like Thailand and the Philippines. I know that in China, certain white women are complimented because they have the features that Chinese people have held up as the ideal

I love this opening. Is Stewart Vader or is that Bassem Youssef?

Ahahaha I have friends who have the same problem! We've talked about it since middle school but we called it the "default face." Mine isn't that much better. For some reason my mouth will hang open without my meaning to so I always look like I'm about to drool on myself. Not cute.

"All of her impersonations are done in the voice of a young filipino."

Ahahaha. Who is this girl? Can I date her?

Also, as a woman, I don't find this post particularly insulting. It was an honest question with some honest responses.

It could have been worse? How? Like had she been murdered? Because I can't think of many things that are worse than being raped by multiple dudes and then having that rape documented and spread around for my peers to mock me. And then also having my entire life become a media circus where strangers on the internet and

Yeah that's the weirdest part for me. That this was only a year ago. But I guess this is what happens when you're like 20 years old. I'm only 24 (and without a comical amount of disposable income) and the amount of ways I went nuts Freshman year of college and then slowly eventually grasped what it meant to actually

I'm hoping this whole thing is just her being in her early 20s and not knowing what the fuck she wants and raging against an image and genre she feels like isn't her.

Now playing

I wish she'd just go back to doing soulful country. Remember this? It's actually really good.

I don't know what this is but I must watch it.

Also that lady was also in Xena. As someone whose husband Xena stole. But then later Xena helped her defeat Caesar.

Same! I still believe he would've gone on to do great things had he lived. He was a good actor, clearly handsome, and at the time quite affordable. He could've even played Wolverine, although Jackman is pretty much perfect in the role.

Yeah. That always confuses people. But you know I guess if Ares gained a ton of weight they'd kind of look similar? Maybe? In that they both have beards?

Dude. Karl Urban...

Also, how weird was it that he appeared in that series as 3 different characters? The producers really liked him as an actor.

And it's funny because when I hit Middle School/High School I went through a pretty boy hairless phase. Maybe it was conformity or just my hormones being crazy but I rejected body hair for a handful of years despite being super into Ares and Hercules as a prepubescent kid. Then I got to college, had sex, and realized

I honestly haven't met a guy who actually waxed. Some do trim or shave on occasion just to keep it from getting crazy. But none who are obsessively maintaining a hairless facade. In the same vein, I don't know of any guys who've actually preferred full on hairless of vaginas. Usually they're cool so long as it's

You know I've had a thing for chest hair since I was 10 and fell in love with Ares from Xena. Always the rebel, while my friends were pining away for the Backstreet Boys and N'Sync I was thinking about Kevin Smith and his rippling muscles. Is that weird? Maybe that's weird.

I feel like the Will/Carlton dynamic was more a brotherly meanness. I have friends whose brothers would refuse to drive them places or ditch them at school or say mean spirited things on the regular but when push came to shove, they had their backs. There's just all these kinds of back and forth exchanges that happen

Yeah as a kid I never noticed but I was watching an episode the other day (I'm 24 now) and I was really uncomfortable with the dialogue directed at Kimmy from the adults. DJ isn't really that bad to be honest but Danny and the others would tell she was ugly and stupid and tell her to go die. It was really weird. It

Also, Ireland Baldwin is a freakin' giant.

How is this girl still a teenager? Is she going to keep growing? I want to see her stand next to Dwayne Johnson.

Yeah I have noticed the nice variety of body shapes in ModCloth's models. Most of them, even the ones modeling the smaller sizes, aren't rail thin. It's quite refreshing.

Aha no worries. It's happened to me before too.