
Didn’t Adam Levine pay for the funeral?

I still do this with songs and I’m almost 30

I don’t know, some people watching this interview might see kooky. I just see medicated.

I came here to completely agree the biggest shade thrower was buzzfeed calling her “a chef”. When I clicked on the link and saw it was Giada I burst out laughing. #TeamNicole on this one though

Its almost as if you didnt read the article the references his book being released.

He hung out with my friend and I the day before he underwent surgery to remove a tumor. He was nice

Yankees fan, huh? I understand the anger. Ortiz pumped a lot of tears out of you guys.

you seem rational

“that fool”? really? You’re the author of the article, grow up.

That’s exactly what I was about to write. I binge watched the season over the weekend while sick and thought it was excellent. Cried at what I thought was the last episode - thought it was a perfect way to wrap things up - they’re going their own ways and some friendships just don’t stand the test of time. Then

You actually took the time to write that. This comment really happened.

As a passenger, I hope people remember that airlines need to manage their own shit and not ask paying passengers to do it for them.

“All you SJW’s”

Hernandez is gonna have to cheese-grate that tattoo off that says “I murdered Daniel deAbreu and Safiro Furtado”.

I can understand being upset that something you worked on ended up getting pulled. I’ll bet she was very excited about having a campaign-that’s a big fucking deal.

I believe they did this ad in-house, not through an agency. That’s a bit of a dangerous thing. An agency is more likely to shoot down a terrible idea like this because while they value the client, their reputation is on the line as well. More often than not, totally tone deaf ads like this get made in-house. (Note,

I honestly didn’t believe this kind of attitude was real (I’m in academia and in the past have run on the edges of activist circles) but lately I’ve met a few new acquaintances that have blown my mind similarly. Generally benign, well-meaning, sheltered, charming, wealthy, good looking people that have no fucking idea

I almost like Bobby’s version of Kylie. Whoever is writing her now needs to find other work.

This is literally a work of art.

Pete Carroll thinks they should pass on trading him.