
Good luck! Every time you bit your tongue to avoid pointing out her father's awful behavior, remember that someday she will be older and figure it out herself. Then you will clearly be the bigger person. Because you tried to make a good Christmas and didn't call her father names.

Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that. That's awful. It will get better, I promise.

While I know I said go ahead and be that guy up thread, I was thinking about relationships with no children involved. Your ex's move is that of a dick. When there are children, the right thing to do is to figure out how to minimize the impact on them.

I'm so sorry! I know it doesn't seem like it now, but it's never a waste. You and your daughter will be better people for it, I'm sure. I hope you have a beautiful holiday in spite of it.

It's a grey area. Like, how we would feel the same way if we ever had footage of a Kardashian getting injured. We all KNOW that somewhere inside is a human, but all we can SEE is the costume...

Remember how pretty he was?! (I mean, not now though, sadly.)

roving pack of James Spaders

Let’s talk about THAT song. You know the one I’m talking about. The one that feels like an emotional gut-punch even just a few chords in. The one that leaves you an ugly-crying mess no matter how many times you hear it. It could be one that brings you back to a particularly sad time in your own life, or it could just

A male friend once quite seriously told me he knew he'd hate anal sex because he hated prostate exams. I told him I hate pap smears, but I still enjoy vaginal sex. His mind was blown :-)