You are bad and should feel bad for using cliched lines like that.
You are bad and should feel bad for using cliched lines like that.
You are so cool.
Judge away, nobody cares about your opinion.
As a minority, I think its hypothesis rings true. Ive certainly been accosted by Police for just hanging out. Perhaps you havent had that experience, but it would be silly to imply that your experiences are universal.
Why do you care what he cares about? You are basically guilty of the same thing.
We should tax fast food more to disincentivize people from eating it. We prescribe too many prescription drugs, especially opoids, that is a fault of the system. Knives of a certain length are illegal in many places and attacking someone with a nice is certainly illegal. If we can automate planes and trains, we will.…
lol “political agendas” Wild guess: Libertarian?
The first movie had Will Smith who was obviously having a blast and oozes charm. The guy they cast as his son in this movie might as well have been carved from wood. The only actor that appeared to not be having a stroke on screen (Looking at you, Bill Pullman) or incredibly bored was Brent Spiner. We can forgive…
In case you’re not kidding: No dude, don’t do it. Liquid smoke is kind of gross, though I get it if you don’t have the space for a small smoker. Its so concentrated that I think it would ruin the chicken.
So you never told us why he is a misogynist.
Yeah, screw these guys for wanting to eat and pay rent and stuff!
You gotta up your pocket game, homie.
Who makes these Gwen cards, in the game world? What prevents a black market of knock off cards? What prevents me from drawing up my own super powerful deck of Gwent cards? The difference between a game of poker and a CCG is that the players use the same deck for poker vs. building their own for Gwent. Ofcourse, at…
Im in Fort Lauderdale. Comcast has had us capped at 300 gb a month. It’s been a nightmare. Overages every month. Some people might think thats a lot but in reality its tiny. If you game at all, you are screwed. If you stream at all, you are screwed. I get super anxious about how much internet im using now. Thankfully,…
Why ban it? Why ban any substance? Its prohibitive and it leads to a black market. Taxing it creates a better incentive.
Its in the name.
You can’t stop the future.
Where da emails at?
Yeah but you guys want to see economy episodes about everything! Not fair.
Im baffled by this critique. The point is that yes, with cheap energy everyone’s needs can be met. People still work in the ST universe, for enjoyment, personal achievement and specialized use of replicator technology want to replicate yourself a mansion, got to earn those energy credits! Or colonize an uninhabited…