the good king snugglewumps

"You may make a meal of me yet, Hannibal." [insert hot as fuck kiss] "But not today."

I don't get this interpretation of Bedelia's character. A good portion of people seem to think that she's completely Hannibal's victim, but we've been given enough evidence to the contrary to see that she's control of most, if not all, of her actions.

The music in Hey Arnold was legitimately amazing (the show itself was great, too).

They considered going with "White," but it was too subtle.

Can she be Cookie's new love interest?

I thought the short was sweet and adorable, and my theatre was really invested in the story. There were audible noises of distress when the girl volcano rose up but was facing away from the guy volcano. (It sounds so strange when described that way, but the charm offset the weirdness IMO.)

Also: “Take her to the moon for me, okay?”


She is also known her her excessive use of emojis on Twitter.

Everything's coming up Elizabeth Banks lately! I'm glad she's getting a lot of recognition for her excellent work.

The best actress category is so rich this year that they need to give out more than one award for it. I love Empire and am incredibly happy for Taraji P. Henson, but damn, Vera Farmiga needs an award just for existing and gracing us with her presence.

Mine was Helena Bonham Carter. I'd like her to dip into that particular well of crazy again now that she's free of Tim Burton.

He's already doing a sequel in graphic novel form and now there's a short story prequel, too? Did he run out of money or something?

My brother got a Fergalicious vinyl from a thrift store.

I'm pretty sure Scully's immortality got transferred to Gillian Anderson somehow.

Oh, if only we could show this to David and Gillian circa 1998.

Bradley thought that her mom didn't care because her room was no longer there a year or more after her "death." I don't know what she expected, that her mother's world would still revolve around her? All we've seen is her mom leave the house for work, from Bradley's perspective. I don't know, I just think all signs

It makes Bradley selfish because she's the one who faked her own suicide. Did she even think about how her mother would feel about her daughter's death? She only came back to town because she ran out of money.

I'm not sure about the point of that scene narratively, though. Seeing as she died so soon after it, I don't know if we were supposed to root for her or judge her. Personally, I felt like it was really selfish and childish, showing that Bradley really only considered her own feelings right to the end. Everyone grieves