
That’s funny, because I’ve never met one who wasn’t.  

Trump flew into Palm Beach Airport on Tuesday, 11/26/19. My boss was booked on a flight from there into NYC that was due to land at 10:50PM. Thanks to the Palm Beach airport being completely shut down to fly that @sshole to Mar-a-Lago for one day of golfing (before he flew out the next day to Afghanistan) I had to

I had a ticket to see the musical “Grand Hotel” at New York City Center last year. About two minutes before curtain, I looked over to the woman sitting to my left, and realized that not only had she taken off her shoes and allowed her smelly feet odor to permeate into the atmosphere, but that she was also

I’ve written about my own experience with Domingo (how he followed me into the ladies room of the hotel where I worked at 1:30 in the morning, how he blocked the door so that I couldn’t escape while advancing towards me, and how I was only “rescued” by the appearance of his wife into the ladies room) on a previous

I worked at Rockefeller Center and once saw billy Bush outside my office, filiming a promo for his show, outside on the sidewalk.  Besides the fact that he looks like a very small ferret in the flesh, he was also rather condesscending to the crew.  So, screw you Bill Bush! 

Looking back on this, I am way more frightened now than I was then. I was very young and very naive at the time, and it didn’t really register in my brain what could have me. I don’t think I even told anyone at my hotel job about it at the time (like they would have done anything, anyway) but I did tell

I had my own small Placido Domingo incident. When I had just gotten out of school, I worked the overnight shift at an expensive boutique hotel in midtown Manhattan. Late one evening, Domingo and his party (which included his wife) came to the hotel for dinner at the swanky restaurant, which stayed open late just to

Hi, Max!

It would be hilarious if the Queen served them hamburgers at the State Dinner. 

Yes, especially if the women were employed on one of his shows.  That’s entirely different.

And the book title will be, “Need a Chin? Grow a Beard!”

Former Brownie here. Once the Girl Scouts chose to march in Trump’s Inaugural Parade, I lost all respect for them. How does celebrating a man who believes in grabbing women “by the p#ssy” help empower girls? The Girl Scouts put out some statement saying that learning about civic engagement is part of who they are. I

Yes, the starving orphans of Darfur weep at the injustices heaped upon Constance Wu!  

She is under contract.  One that she signed willingly.  It’s “cruel” to expect someone to fulfill the terms of a contract?  Who would have known?  

“...a lighting person or costume designer isn’t personally and uniquely essential to a show.” Two words of disagreement with you---Bob Mackie.

She was under contract for another season—-a contract that she willingly signed—and the network picked up the option. I find it VERY tellingly that no one who works with her (and I don’t count the head of the network) has come out in support of her. I’ve heard stories from friends in the business about her for

After the most horrible break u[ in the history of the world, I entered my ex-finance in that contest where you sign up to go to Mars. Alas, they didn’t chose him.....

Rodgers and Hammerstein, while they were alive, were notoriously tight fisted about money. Case in point: while writing the musical “South Pacific,” the director of the original show, Josh Logan, felt that he deserved a co-authorship credit for writing the book (script) of the musical, since he really did write a lot

They guys don’t even pretend that they are contrite anymore....

It reminds me of the hall that the NY Philharmonic performs in. It used to be Avery Fisher Hall, and is now “David Geffen Hall.” His name is literally in lights outside of the theater. I hate the fact that the NY Phil literally broke their contract with the Fisher family and let Geffen take over the name of the