
Before Titanic came out, Leo stayed at the hotel I worked at. He wore his long, floppy hair pushed back with a girl’s preppy metal headband, and he rented a gay porno film one night. 

Loved that season of “RuPaul’s Drag Race!”


I remember Van Jones saying, after his first (God help us!) State of the Union address, that Trump was “presidential.”  So I believe nothing that comes out of his mouth, after that. 

I get shamed all the time for not wanting to have children. Not every one does. Some people can’t have children. (see other post) So, I’m not surprised at all.

My Mother attempted to drown me when I was four years old, and she beat and abused me for years. I will not be having children. Is that all right?  So no, you were never “exactly like” me once. But thanks!

Trump apparently (according to the Woodward book, I think?) goes around telling his friends that the voice on the Access Hollywood tape isn’t his.  

Your “Do you have kids?” question is not an unrelated one. I don’t have children, and I think nursing until four years old (and beyond) is weird. I’ve seen children in strollers who are almost as tall as me, and yes, the stroller thing is weird, too. As a single woman with no children, I am always the person in the

I totally get it!  I am so tired of men telling me to “Smile!”  

I was just this morning told to “Smile, Bitch!” by an African-American male who drove through a stop sign and almost hit me. (And of course, he had a Trump bumpersticker on the back of his car) Does that count?

He always looks, acts, and dresses like a pimp from Queens. 

I have some gossip from someone who worked on this film at Lionsgate.

Some comments I read about this on a chat board: “Don’t drink anything he offers you, ladies!” “Brett and the Kavanettes!” “The water cooler will be replaced with a St. Pauli Girl kegger with the words “You Never Forget Your First Girl” right above it.” “The office first aid kit will include Plan B.” “Him hiring

Amy Chua’s husband, also at Yale Law School, was investigated for creepily inappropriate behavior towards his female students, to put it mildly.

Ivanka sees the world through complicit-colored glasses.

I didn’t say that she should be fired. I said that I didn’t believe that she made the video to illustrate any kind of technical point having to do with vocal fry. I still think, in my opinion, Butera was insensitive and clueless at the very least, given whom she was discussing, and when she did it. Where did you find

I have some gossip from someone who worked on this film at Lionsgate.

While it’s admirable that you’re giving her the benefit of the doubt, I don’t. I don’t believe that she made the video to “illustrate” any sort of technical point.  She did it to mock Dr. Ford, and on the very day of her testimony.  Idiot doesn’t begin to describe Butera. 

Yes, the starving orphans of Darfur weep for him. 

Seriously, THAT is what you’ve taken away from this story? From the entire Mark Burnett/”Apprentice” tapes saga? That her name is misspelled?