little jar bird

Eh. I’m a mom and I would agree with the stroller thing. Some moms think they’re pushing a goddamn tank. It’s like sidewalk walking etiquette in general. Don’t take up the whole fucking thing, don’t walk 4 people across if other people are trying to walk in the other direction, and slow the hell down with your

Does he shout that at people with strollers? That would be tragic....

Let me see how things go with my local Coin Star machine! it possible that Chad is an actor? I mean, his name is literally Chad and he acts like such a textbook Chad...

White Walkers to the North of me

A friend shared the post this morning and while commend these women I wish the post didn’t have such a, I don’t know, pat on the back nature to it. Something about the the fact that THEY chose to post about it rather then the woman who this happened to in conjunction with the picture makes the whole thing hit me