
I personally don’t think Adnan did it. He was a teenager. If he did it it was either a crime of passion (in which case, he would have cracked and confessed at some point) or he’s a criminal mastermind (in which case, you’re going to have some sort of alibi locked in and not going to be so stupid to have your

When I was a little kid, I got UTIs left and right. It was horrible. I grew out of it but come college they came back hardcore. One time I had one while I was home for vacation and went to a primary care clinic to pick up the drugs. Should have been an easy transaction. “I get them all the time. Here’s what works.

Awww ... one of my favorite stories is about when I was at a fancy Hollywood party and Luke Wilson was brought a drink and pulled out this total beat-to-hell leather dad wallet — complete with receipts almost falling out of it — to pay/tip the waitress and she politely said, “No, sir. It’s an open bar.” It pretty much

I’ve been in entertainment journalism for over 20 years. I didn’t see “Star Wars” and “Empire Strikes Back” until I was in my 30s. I was so underwhelmed that my husband said I shouldn’t even bother with “Jedi.” It has had zero negative impact on my life or career.

Trolling would be when I pointed at a Jawa toy and

I feel exactly the same way about yogurt. Most vanilla and lemon-flavored ones I like. Everything else is usually pretty disgusting, unless made into a dip. But even then, you may as well use sour cream since nothing else you put into it is likely to be healthy.

And no matter how the world tries to convince us

That’s my husband’s joke when it gets nippy and I ask if he wants to me to bring out the — very toasty — crochet afghan. “How’s that going to help? It’s full of holes!”

As a friend of mine is fond of saying, “Salman Rushdie has been living under a fatwa for decades and still couldn’t bear putting up with Padma Lakshmi’s s***.:

Also, Bundy’s MO included removing all the interior handles in his car so his victims couldn’t jump out. The number of people who claim to have had run-ins with him (yes, this include you Debbie Harry) is about equal to the number of people supposedly at Woodstock.

Not to be “that” person, but this is impossible if they’re in their mid-40s now. Ted Bundy was captured — for good — in 1978 and executed in 1989.