Amen. I’m fairly certain my one would wear a hole in the carpet pacing between food dish and window. The other one may actually do something besides move from bed to bed throughout the day.
Man, I love my dogs :)
Amen. I’m fairly certain my one would wear a hole in the carpet pacing between food dish and window. The other one may actually do something besides move from bed to bed throughout the day.
Man, I love my dogs :)
Aww man, you being reasonable isn’t fun at all :( good on you though
A source of frustration for me about loot boxes is that there isn’t a guarantee that I will recieve the item I am trying to receive.
And zubaz pants.... you forgot zubaz pants.
We have adopted 2 retired racers. They are such wonderful dogs :)
It’s really fun. I’ve played 300 matches, won once. Still really good times
Sooo Canadian here. Banning real guns bad, banning prop guns “OK”. I know it’s a private event and all. Seems a bit odd is all
My wife and I play The Eldrich horror. A co-op game. It’s more fun with more people, we just take control of multiple characters if we don’t have more people available.
Here are my good dogs stuck behind a vacuum cleaner.... they’re not very brave
Only two? I roll 3 or 4. I am fearful I will always make a regrettable decision. Yea.... I’m a paranoid bast ardent lol
To be honest if I’m in a quick play map I don’t really get concerned at all about the picks. I mean I don’t even think they count losses anymore if I’m other mistaken.
Damn, I got my copy on release and have been busy with work. Planned on playing over the holidays. Guess I will never pay full price for a game again. Kind of insulting. Kudos to those who get a good deal though.
Damn, I got my copy on release and have been busy with work. Planned on playing over the holidays. Guess I will…
Ever since i bought Thief at launch (feel free to point and laugh I deserve it) I can’t bring myself to buy a game without reading dozens of reviews if I can’t try it first. I almost caved and pre ordered this on PC, looks like waiting was a sound strategy. Hopefully they fix it soon and it’s just launch day issues.
Good call on the characters making he game. Even my wife, who does not play the game walks around quoting D’va lol
Ilike it. Not enough to pay full price. I’m concerned it will get stale quickly.