
Product safety shouldn’t be like playing whack a mole and suing companies. Pads and tampons have also been found to contain pfas. They are almost impossible to avoid. They’re in shampoo, food wrappers, teflon pans and our water supply. The cycle of vilifying one company even if its deserved rather than actually

I would call it a win if that becomes the biggest problem in society instead of men murdering women.  

When she excused herself to go to the dorm bathroom, she says Kohberger followed her and waited outside.

It’s not that the 25 year old girl is mature for her age, it’s that the older man is really immature for his age. A woman his own age wouldn’t hang on his every word like he’s some sort of genius. A young woman with barely any adult life experience would have much harder time catching on to his BS. Plus, I think

There’s also the very real biological fact that men can afford to wait way longer to get married and have kids

Girls are conditioned from childhood to think that an older man paying attention to them makes them special. “You’re so! mature for your age!” is said to girls a lot to make them accept unacceptable behavior from parents, teachers, and male strangers. We’re told the lie that girls “mature faster” than boys so the “wisd

None of that addresses the fact that these men are insecure, pathetic, and sad because they won’t date women their own age who don’t put up with shit.

It comes from the same people who defend billionaires and the like, and for the same reason: they would 100% do the same if given the chance.

Whenever I mock these men or the internet mocks these men, it’s hilarious that every single defense doesn’t address the criticisms. Yeah, we all know these relationships are consensual and adults can do what they want. None of that addresses the fact that these men are insecure, pathetic, and sad because they won’t

Nope. Miley is just a child. Not really something to celebrate. 

Comparing human women to the cattle that we use and abuse for to exploit their biological reproductive functions for our own gain is probably the most honest thing a Republican has said about abortion in decades.

It’s worth noting, (even though it complicates what are clearly true narratives about misogyny [1]) that Missouri state Sen. Mike Moon (R-Ash Grove) was “stripped of most of his committee assignments” early last year “as punishment for wearing overalls to the chamber floor and other alleged violations of decorum[2].

Let me guess - next year, an addendum to the effect that ‘a smile wouldn’t hurt once in a while’.

Sackcloth and ashes. There, Missouri - problem solved. Sending you the bill.

Maybe talking to the manager will help. Have you tried that?

Collect your 200 rubles vatnik. You aren’t American or a single mother. Our help to Ukraine against Russia’s barbaric and criminal invasion is justified and not hurting anyone’s finances in the US.

Ive been replaying Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and honestly I forgot how much I loved it and classic fire emblem in general. The social aspects of modern Fire Emblem just dont gel with me because it just largely doesnt make sense outside Awakening.

Persona-fication of Fire Emblem

For someone who claims to hate the tabloids, Harry has given them more fodder in the space of a month than they know what to do with.

I’d love to see that cage match level scuffle...