The player’s option is to refuse to play and be sent home and probably never play for that team again. I refuse to put that choice on them when literally no one else is making the right decision.
The player’s option is to refuse to play and be sent home and probably never play for that team again. I refuse to put that choice on them when literally no one else is making the right decision.
And so, it fell to on-air commentator (& out queer person) Alex Scott to ‘man up’ and do the right thing.
Counterpoint: Why the fuck do I expect a bunch of 20-something athletes to do what sports executives and the rest of the world can’t do?
Blaming the players is ridiculous here.
Gholdengo can’t be the Cryptobro Pokemon because his body is made out of real money and Make It Rain does immediate damage.
The “eggs turning into a palm tree” is actually a little more complex than that.
Alliance Defending Freedom, the anti-abortion group
One legal expert told The Wall Street Journal that the case would be difficult for the plaintiffs to win
The Switch’s “gimmick” was being $100 cheaper than its competitors. It’s the same gimmick that made NES, Game Boy, and Wii successful.
True! Parts of Bayonetta look really rough, but nothing near what’s going on in Pokemon, and the fps is generally really smooth. Sad days when a game as big as Scarlet/Violet is consistently struggling to hit 30fps.
Are we really going on about a switch update rumor again. At this point if it does happen everyone will go “see I predicted it” and point to a 4 year old article they wrote. I personally think we will get a full followup to the switch before we get a switch pro but also it’s Nintendo so who knows.
Plus, this is a company that dealt with a lot of shit from fans over the last three years, as a contingent of players were unable to contain their fury regarding Sword and Shield’s lack of a complete Pokédex, the so-called “Dexit.”
I’m an idiot, but I feel like this is less of a Switch issue and more of a GameFreak issue. BOTW ran, for the most part, fine, with a much more densely packed world. GameXplain said it runs better in handheld.
I dont understand why GF doesn’t get more help from Nintendo...
I don’t think the Switch hardware is the problem. Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey look and perform significantly better than SW/SH and apparently SC/VI. This seems more like poor developer optimization, blaming it on hardware limitations when we’ve seen it done better at the launch of the hardware doesn’t make…
Uhhhh… I’m in Florida and have been fighting the good fight here against bigots and bigotry for decades, and I’m freaking delighted that Nevada got it right. We sure as h*ll didn’t, and a lot of people who have been fighting for basic human rights in this heckhole are damn glad that Nevada gave us a win.
I just want to say thank you for not making this into a slideshow. feels good to be able to easily read a list of stuff again
Let the Inceneroar/Meowscarada forbidden romance slashfic COMMENCE!
Let the Inceneroar/Meowscarada forbidden romance slashfic COMMENCE!
Ah, that’s because I’m what scientists call “an idiot”.