The anti-abortion zealots will call this proof that the system works, because Weller didn’t die. The fact that her nonviable pregnancy never should have gotten to the point where her life was in danger means nothing to them.
The anti-abortion zealots will call this proof that the system works, because Weller didn’t die. The fact that her nonviable pregnancy never should have gotten to the point where her life was in danger means nothing to them.
These complications if not addressed immediately can result in sterility as well.
Joe Bageant’s Deer Hunting With Jesus was excellent. He pointed out what was coming long before it got here, the signs were clearly evident even at the grass roots level including the 2008 financial crisis.
Fuck this hack.
The problem isn’t marriage; it’s the Bible they keep thumping.
As someone whose parents stayed together for her sake, I say, “Fuck you, JD Vance.” They both would have been happier if they had divorced when I was 8. I would not have gone to women’s shelter with my mom for multiple weekends, then gone back home. I would not have had to sit in the back seat of a police car while…
Apparently, the description of the man given by neighbors matched the description of the man who police thought lived at the home.
Counterpoint for Wrestlefire- Go fuck yourself.
The plan is what it’s always been for these people: to care deeply and passionately about that baby until she squeezes it out, then change phone numbers.
“Worse than anyone imagined.”
Please don’t forget Megan McArdle’s horrifically bad take yesterday on Twitter.
This followup question is so American it hurts me.
If they live in Japan, they have universal healthcare. Questions like “do you pay for your healthcare or does your employer” only really make sense in the US.
Piracy fills all voids. It sucks but hey, it talks. Rights owners want to play stupid games they’ll win stupid prizes.
And this is why people will still want physical copies of things instead of going all digital for their entertainment.
The decision was that there was no constitutional right to abortion, which threw it back to the states, since there’s no federal law on abortion. The case had nothing to do with whether the federal government could regulate abortions.
I think the HBO docuseries on Elvis does a great overview of many of these points but also points out that when we talk about stealing, that means taking full credit for things and erasing their origins. Elvis talked openly about his influences and he never claimed to have invented or originated anything:
Elvis NEVER SOUNDED BLACK. He sounds like a Country singer.
Bubba Ho-Tep is the definitive Elvis movie anyway.