Though there was a wink to it when they were accused of it during the trial in S2. One of the many ridiculous things about that season.
Though there was a wink to it when they were accused of it during the trial in S2. One of the many ridiculous things about that season.
The record was, of course, previously held by that 'I'm sorry Ms. Jackson / I am four eels' guy.
…huh. That's unexpected.
Everything Now is a good album. Sure, it doesn't have the layers and texture of a lot of their work, but there's no reason to think they were going for layers and texture. A lot of the criticism they've received feels more like people saying 'this isn't the Arcade Fire album I wanted', rather than 'this is a bad…
This show really wanted to hammer home the message that everyone covering up their little mistakes makes it hard to catch the people actually doing evil, didn't it. Nothing against the plot decision to make Michael the rapist — I think Gwen and some commenters picked up on some very good themes there — but the reveal…
In an alternate universe, Eskimos vs. Bombers is one of the most sorrowful chapters in Canadian history.
As surprisingly few people have said, BoJack Horseman.
What about their next Stanley Cup?
He was trying to re-enact that Bartlet/Charlie scene from The West Wing but missed the mark by a few light-years.
A 'more suitably badass' name for the Loot Train Robbery?
Yes, that would be amazing. I hope they do that, and I hope they hold off on doing it until next year so I can forget I read the idea.
Well-produced, I should say.
Gendry: The King's Blood Boy
Much like his dad was with the Tyrells, Sam was incredibly loyal to the idea of becoming a Maester until he hit one minor obstacle.
The Old Gods religion is actually based on a mistranslation of a Dornish witticism about how the oldest character always gets the best lines.
I'm wondering what's up with Jorah. They didn't bring him back from what would have been a memorable death so he could be cannon fodder north of the wall, and I don't think he's returned only to get jealous of Ice and Fire singing their song or to get a winking scene with Lady Mormont. So what purpose do they have in…
Whenever Gendry hasn't been around, all the A.V. club commenters have been asking "Where's Gendry?"
Ocean's Eight: Westerosi Boogaloo
They're getting oh-so-close to the point of no return with all that winking at the audience.
The Moon Door is a flat circle.