Sandy McTire

Well that's a Texas-sized 10-4.

Along the same lines, we didn't decriminalize witchcraft. We decriminalized "fraudulently pretending to practice witchcraft," which suggests that our laws on actual witchcraft remain whatever they were before.

So that's where that 11 Questions question came from.

Suddenly, a shot rang out! A door slammed. The maid screamed.

Ugh, 2017, always making it about you.


Do you perchance mean Nigel Hawthorne? (And didn't he end up having a nervous breakdown from all those monologues?)

Maybe I'm just thick, but how does that make sense?

Yep. But I guess going from 'I don't understand how my husband could love me but not like that' to 'Oh huh I guess I'm like that too' in 30 seconds would have been a little much.

Capitalizing on the stupidity of others has worked very well for him to this point. Why abandon it now?

And we now have a situation where the story the state accepts as truth isn't the actual truth, which isn't unlike his departure from East Germany and the first scene of the season.

I wonder if FX can get Walton Goggins to guest star, just so we can hear him yell 'SUH-WANGO!'

Incredible stealth storytelling to make that one of the biggest wins of the season.

♪ Swango and Wrench
The crimebusters of the north
Swango and Wrench
They're teaming up henceforth ♪

Welp, it looks like the only way Emmit can properly atone for killing his brother is to arrange another Stussy's death, and give the killer enough evidence to get a Spartacus-style situation going.

Or in the case of one memorable Toronto Blue Jays game, aphids.

6/29—Provinssi Festival—Tornavansaari, FI
7/01—Bravalla Festival—Norrkoping, SE
7/05—Exit Festival—Novi Sad, SR

You, sir or madam, misunderstood the intent of the author of My Mother the Car.

Yeah, I mean, his former sidekick got this gig ahead of him!

> Sounds somewhat interesting.