Sandy McTire

Mauro without WWE 'producers' screaming in his ear is even better.

If they won't use the Bullet Club name, they could always call it the Wizard Club.

So Jimmy does the exact same spiel at every commercial shoot, right? First take is good. Let's do one more to make sure. Think of the camera like your friend. A specific friend. What's their name? Good. Go with that. Action! That's the one!

How many people remember that the MS in MSNBC stands for Microsoft?

They figured they had their degrees in the bag so they didn't need to see things through to completion.

I hadn't thought of it that way, but that's perfect.

'The show is depriving us of scintillating Raviga board meeting scenes!' is an odd gripe to be sure.

A McGill always pays his debts.

The Sun.

Ding ding ding we have a winner! Or we would, but when the game involves watching Outsourced, there are no winners.

Part of it!

Jinder Mahal, champion: Because they never actually wanted SDL to look competitive in the ratings.

Vice-President David S. Pumpkins.

Nooooooooo H.E. come back from the abyss!

He's the Doctor. He takes care of the place while the Master is away.

Nope, not Whitney either! But thanks for playing!

Not the show I was thinking of, and not as bad as the show I was thinking of!

The irony here is that Walt Disney woulda loved Trump.

No, but that hour would have been funnier had NBC outsourced it to the news department.

Remember when NBC did three hours of comedy on Thursdays? Community, 30 Rock, The Office, Parks and Recreation and one show that really does not belong in the same sentence as any of those.